View Full Version : Major relapse with HA finding it hard to cope

29-05-15, 21:19
Hi everyone,
So I posted last week about my teeth as I was concerned my front tooth was going to fall out, obviously it hasn't and I had a few days where I felt fine and wasn't worried about my teeth at all, however I had to go to a business trip away for a couple of days and I feel I'm back to where I was last week with the constant worry and checking and have convinced myself my front tooth is going to come out. My tooth keeps clicking but I see no visible movement, I went to the dentist last week and she said my teeth were healthy I just have gingitivis. I can't stop checking my tooth and checking all my teeth, I feel I've gone mad :/ it's especially awful as I was near enough free of HA for around 2 years now and it's come back even worse than the last time. I really don't know why I can't stop checking but it's really starting to upset me now and feel it's affecting my work. I had a customer shouting at me today because of how slow I was being but I'm really not with it these past couple of days and it nearly had me in tears because I love my job but I'm so distracted with the constant OCD thoughts I'm having about my teeth. I have never had HA this bad and I'm so so scared about both my tooth falling out and the fact I feel I'm going insane.
I'm at wits end. I keep thinking I should go back to the dentist but logic tells me it'll relieve me for a while but I'll just keep on worrying so there's no point.
I just needed a rant as I'm all on my own tonight and didn't know what else to do :( please help x