View Full Version : stress problems! or not? :(

30-05-15, 00:54
i know there are stomach pain and throat threads, but i didn't want to start two so i hope it's okay to just put them both here!

hi! i feel like i'm flooding the forum with my issues lol ):

recently i had a really bad episode of health anxiety, i was having panic attacks daily and the whole thing took a terrible toll on my body. i started taking pills for it and most things have calmed down. except for two and i was hoping for some help explaining if this is normal or no

- my stomach. i have no appetite. 0. nada. zip. i can eat, and stuff smells/looks appealing but i just don't have an appetite. i haven't for almost a week. today it's been grumbling lots, even after i eat. no pain. the other day i had a spicy dinner and i woke up with an upset stomach but it stopped after a bm.

- i have a weird mucus build up at the back of my throat? or it feels like it. i'm not hacking it up or anything. i've forced myself to because i keep thinkng there's something back there but i either get saliva or just a small amount of clear phlegm. but it has to be back there bc i can feel it go down when i swallow, and it affects my voice sometimes

the stomach, like i said, has been an issue for a week. i don't have any pain or nausea or anything that goes along with it. the mucus thing, like two days i've noticed it happening. once again, no pain or chest congestion. is this just the remains of all the stress i put my body through or should i go get checked out? i'm feeling calmer now, i would not say 100% but i'm way better. if that's the case, does anyone know when this might go away? it's troubling.

i've been to the clinic three times in the past week, i'd really love to not go again if i don't have to. i had my doctor check my eyes, sinuses, and throat for infection and he said they all looked healthy.

Gary A
30-05-15, 01:04
These are classic anxiety and stress symptoms. Your stomach is generally one of the first areas affected by stress, loss of appetite and the feelings of an upset stomach go hand in hand. You don't eat due to your lost appetite, your stomach grumbles for food, you give it food eventually, then it goes nuts because it hasn't been digesting food properly for such lengthy periods.

Your throat is also a classic area to feel anxiety. Your throat isn't anymore full of mucus or whatever than it usually is, it's just tighter than normal due to stress.

I don't think a GP visit is necessary at all, and even if your stress levels are diminishing, it can take quite some time for your body and nervous system to return to normal activity after being under prolonged stress, but it will settle down eventually, if you let it.

30-05-15, 09:44
I have the mucus feeling as well, along with trouble swallowing and the feeling of a lump in the throat, which I was told by two GP's was all anxiety after they checked my throat, so I think your symptoms are normal for anxiety :)