View Full Version : Can't cope with feeling please help me.

30-05-15, 02:38
So it's the middle of the night I'm sat in my house fully dressed with my shoes on crawling the walls. I can't settle, I could cry I feel tired but full of nervous energy. I feel like I will die at any moment. I can't cope anymore. Iv been fighting this so long I'm so tired of it all. I got to work in a taxi earlier on in evening an got outside my place of work an told the taxi driver to turn round... This isn't round the corner I'm talking liverpool to Manchester then back. Iv been feeling low for quite some time now. My friend is going thru a very stressful period in her life an is using me as a support net.. I don't feel strong enough to support her literally all she talks about is this guy she likes an the love triangle she's in. Leaving her kids with me at times or my sister. My house i still don't feel totally settled in it still find it creepy at night after the neighbor told me about people dying in it. I hate the area, I'm worried about money, But really does all this seem worse because of my heightened stress levels ? Health wise I'm about to go into orbit. Had an on and off sore throat for about 5 weeks went to doc he sent me for chest x Ray for the same day to check for enlarged lymph nodes as he could find one in my neck. He hasn't rang me with news so far. Past 4-5 days had a horrible pain in my lower ribs on left hand side like there's a ballon stuck underneath it when I breath deeply it hurts I'm convinced it is pulmonary embolism absolutely convinced today sharp shooting pains in my upper spine have happened so bizarre.Had stomach pains all day in my lower abdomen then stood up before to feel shooting pains from stomach button all the way into my lady bits !! Like knee buckling pain... wtf that stomach ulcer the doc thought I had has probably burst. I feel like I'm going to die. I feel like going to hospital. I just need someone to hug me and comfort me I feel so lonely and grief ridden. I'm scared, I just want to see my baby girl grow up, I don't want to bother anyone or be a millionaire I just want my health and a roof over my head. I try and power through the marsh but I just get sucked down how can I smile and be happy when I feel like there isn't a future in front of me. Not just I feel... I know I just know.

30-05-15, 20:55
I have just noticed your post Sarah and hope that you are feeling a little better? Things always seem worse during the night. I just wanted to send you some virtual hugs. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

30-05-15, 21:26
Hi Sarah, hope you are feeling a big better today. Annie is right, things always seem worse in the middle of the night (in fact, waking up in night and feeling doom & gloom actually has a medical name for it! Although I can't remember what it is). Are you receiving professional help for the way you are feeling? I'm not a professional but reading your post it sounds like therapy could be a good route for you to be able to deal with things. Sending best wishes x

31-05-15, 07:47
Hi Sarah, I hope you managed to get some sleep and are feeling a little better.
You sound like you have a lot going on and there's no wonder you're feeling so awful. The symptoms you describe sound very typical of anxiety., especially the balloon under the ribs feeling, which I get all the time.
I agree with Vicki about the therapy. You sound like you really need some support. Please talk to your Gp about it - I'm sure they will be able to help.
In the meantime, here's a big hug to be going on with (((((((((())))))))))))):hugs:

01-06-15, 02:19
Hey guys thanks for kind replies it's nice of you all to take time out to reply to a mad woman lol ! Well I ended up in A&E last night! Was in work and ended up being floored by stomach pains.. I mean actuall brought to my knees. Got the usual blood test and doctor checked my tummy nothing pains subsided so off I went home. Iv been getting stomach pains all day to day other then that had a fairly relaxing day. My stomach pains do get me down Iv been having them along time it all started in Thailand when I went last August. Horrific heartburn, bloating stomach pains and has pretty much continued since then. Which has sent me into an orbit of fear as I think it's an ulcer or something even worse. It's not my gallbladder as I had that scanned. These stomach pains do scare me as they are a pretty constant companion these days but what can I do ? I did eventually get to sleep about 4.30am on the couch with my shoes on! I'm turning into a crank. I used to be on sertraline I felt pretty good for a while on 50mg then it all started falling apart so doc upped my dosage to 100mg an I was to scared to take them.. I have a serious medication fear it took a lot for me to take the 50mg. I get scared that I will have some reaction to them an die in my sleep or get messed up in some way and leave my daughter in this world alone. She's only 5. I guess I could try therapy again trouble is Iv moved so changed doctors and the doctor I have now is very brisk and makes me feel abit intimidated and silly and I feel nervous even talking to him never mind asking for things. (I don't think he does that on purpose I think it's just the way he is) xx

01-06-15, 02:33
Sorry you are still feeling so rough. I think it must be anxiety as you have now had some checks in A&E. Hope you get some sleep soon.:hugs:.

01-06-15, 02:56
Thankyou hun xxx

01-06-15, 19:15
I get dreadful stomach pains with my ibs (I have one now :( )

03-06-15, 02:09
Annie it's awful hun... I get this stitch like pain in the left side of my stomach, general sharp horrible pains in my stomach. Awful acid indigestion and bloating and (sorry tmi) very occasionally constipation... Iv had it since last August when I came back from Thailand. Doctor gave me omeprazole and sent me on my way. What the hell is this... In my darkest hours I fear stomach cancer but I'm swaying more generally to an ulcer. But how long can u have an ulcer till it perforates ur stomach or causes a massive bleed. Scares me and the pain really gets me down. And sends me into a dark spiral of fear and depression. It can't be anxiety it's been going on to long and started when I was in a good place in my head xx

03-06-15, 10:54
It does sound more like IBS , especially with the constipation and bloating. Omeprazole lines your stomach to help prevent ulcers...I have it because I take medication for arthritis...but maybe you need something like Mebeverine if it is IBS

03-06-15, 13:18
Hiya Sarah,

So sorry you feel like this, I can relate, my HA all started with my stomach and now 2 years down the line I have finally accepted that I have this problem, my fear is that I have damaged my stomach with all the worrying :( but once i know I'll be able to deal with it, it's the not knowing that gets me. I have found that when I eat fried food it gets worse, so I went to Boots and got their name brand IBS relief and it seems to ease the bloating, cramps and gas.

I also find when I wake up in the middle of the night my brain, starts to go wild with random thoughts, I have learnt not to entertain them and roll over and go back to sleep, I also have some really chilled music on my phone which I put on softly to break the silence (it becomes a little like a lullaby) ;)

It truely is a shame that a mum of such a young child should have so many worries, though I suppose in this day and age it comes with the terriotry.

I do wish you the best, I am just starting out on the rocky road of acceptance so it's all about onwards and upwards.


03-06-15, 14:03
Hi sarah,

hope your feeling a bit better today, I too suffer from health anxiety and ptsd. Im also in Liverpool hun, so if ever you need to offload just pm me .

I too wake up at silly hours hun, but at least you made it to a&e, I have a fear of hospitals and doctors silly I know, but mine stems back to my partners illness 11 years ago and again 2 years ago so I associate negativity with hospitals, even though they made him better.

have you asked your doctor to test you for h/pylori, I suffered this 10 years ago and it was brought on by my anxiety, and it gives terrible pains and indigestion. its treated with antibiotics also but a high dose.

and I mean it if you need a gab with someone who knows what your going through just message me xxxx

03-06-15, 14:29
Hi Sarah

Hope you are feeling a little better ...... I am a regular from time to time and have come online today for some reassurance as my anxiety is sky high and i feel that everything is hanging by a thread with me keeping things together xx im always about if you want a chat xxxx

03-06-15, 19:01
Well that was nice logging on and seeing those messages. Thanks guys ... Annie do u think it could be ibs ? I always thought that was a diarrhoea kind of illness?? Xx JRSPDS hey I would like to blame it on ibs that would be the lesser of all evils lol.. The night times can be crap carnt they !! I Find it hard to get to sleep at all during night my sleeping pattern is up the wall!! Thankyou for the kind words an I hope u reach a good place in your recovery xx Hi ruthb1 thanks for the kind words will bear that in mind !! Sunny Kirkdale gets me down at times should of stayed in toxteth ! Think it hasn't helped all my anxiety at all!! I have heard of people having a fear of going doctors that must be super crap when you suffer from health anxiety! I haven't asked no and he hasn't offered. Tbh this one is a new doctor with me moving an all that and Im sure he's a great doctor and very competent but I just can't understand a lot of what he says plus he's very snappy and makes me feel silly and nervous :-( I will ask him to do that though and thanks I think I will do that xxx

---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ----------

It does sound more like IBS , especially with the constipation and bloating. Omeprazole lines your stomach to help prevent ulcers...I have it because I take medication for arthritis...but maybe you need something like Mebeverine if it is IBS

Thanks I will suggest it to the doctors and see what they say xx

---------- Post added at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Hi Sarah

Hope you are feeling a little better ...... I am a regular from time to time and have come online today for some reassurance as my anxiety is sky high and i feel that everything is hanging by a thread with me keeping things together xx im always about if you want a chat xxxx

I'm really sorry to hear that hun I hope ur doing ok. Feel free to inbox me if you need a chat about how u feel too xx