View Full Version : why?

27-01-07, 13:53
Last night i went upstairs for a shower and lay on the bed and before i knew it i was being woken up by my hubby. I had dozed off and then when i wake up i feel BAD. It's a mixture of different feelings, scared, apprehensive, terrorized, unreality, the list goes on and on. He woke me slowly so i did not jump, is it because my mind needs time to adjust do you think? Is it switching from that constant 'frontal' band where my emotions are always on guard? I just don't know but that is the feeling, unreality mostly i think, that really freaks me out.
Anyway i got changed and went to bed, properly, when i woke up this morning i had had a dream but coudn't remember what it was, but i didn't feel too bad. So i lay in bed for a while, just lying there minding my own business, then WHAM, ectopic, oh, not again, i was feeling ok, quite calm. Then WHAM another but this one was the different ones that you sometimes get, the 'rumbling' ones, where it feels like there are two or three together at ones, like your heart has just done the cha cha!!Then i had another BIG one right in the centre. I thought 'that is it, i'll get up and have a shower', which i did and have been fine since. Does anyone else get that 'horrible and strange' unreal and frightening feeling like that and get those 'nasty' ectopics when they are quite calm?
Please reply, feeling FED UP right now.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 16:06
hi angie
yes i was really relaxed yesterday(the first time in a long time)and i had lots of ectopic beats one after another!!!!it went on for quite a while!so i got up and busied myself but it happened again last night when i was dropping off to sleep.
i don,t know wether we notice it more when we are relaxed!
take care
hope this helps a little
rach x

27-01-07, 16:13
thanks rach, i think i know all about them and have read all about them but it just doesn't seem to help me sometimes. Do you have any idea what this 'horrible' feeling is that i get, apart from unreality?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 17:13
hi angie

i get ectopic all ther time BUT i have noticed that when i have a bad day and feel very stressed i dont seem to get them i get them a day or two later it happens every time ,you would think we would get them at the time of stress !
hope your feeling better .
jodie xx

27-01-07, 18:20
hi angie
sorry but i don,t really know why we get these horrible scary feelings but its just part and parcel of this horrible anxiety!
its sooooo true about it takes a minute to get anxiety,but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!!!if only it was the other way around!!!!
take care ang
rach x

27-01-07, 18:25
Well, i have just finished my tea and was talking to my hubby then i have 4 massive ectopics one after another and the second one was like a double one. I was just minding my own business when they happened, they do frighten me because i worry that they will get more and won't stop and i'll end up going to hospital for a pace maker. I know this sounds silly but there you go.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 19:18
I get them exactly the same as you do and they are horrible. I woke up the other morning with a start and they started immediately...every 3rd beat or so and went on all day.
I got them badly the other night after I'd had a really large meal.
I've got them tonight after being quite tense at work but I didn't get them while I was there but they started after my tea tonight now I'm relaxing.
I've tried to notice when they come to see if there is a trigger but I reckon there are a lot of triggers....hormones, big meals, adrenaline fatigue, bending down, worry. I'm obsessed with them. I'm really trying hard not take my pulse all the time too!
Started citalopram a month ago which I think helps a bit. I take atenolol 50mg twice daily too which doesn't get rid of them but does reduce my heart rate.
They've taken over my life. I hate being like this. I've always been a person who coped with everything and I feel like I've had a personality change because I feel so different because of them.
I can totally empathise with you.
Big hugs x


27-01-07, 19:26
Thanks Toto, they are horrible aren't they? Mine have got worse over the past year, i know that, and i understand they have with the anxiety i have been experiencing but this makes my anxiety worse!! Vicious circle there. I just wish i could be back to 'normal', how i used to be before all this.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 20:27
I've just been and done the dishes and i was fine, came and sat back down and WOLLOP. There they are again, only this time i quickly checked my pulse and they started again and it was different. It beat four times fast in succession, didn't jump just beat faster four times and then went back to normal. So now i'm scared that this is not just ectopics but something else as well. In my chest it felt like ectopics but my pulse did not skip at all that time. Then i had more 'normal' ectopics again after. Altogether today up until now i have had 15 episodes, that is quite a lot for me. HELP.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 22:03
Mine have been going all night tonight too. Such a pain in th a***!

I know I have a BIG problem believing that they are harmless. I've been told at least 10 times they are nothing to worry about by my GP and my Consultant cardiologist. I've read it numerous times on the internet and on this website too. Yet I can't really take it in and REALLY believe it. Because they shouldn't be there, should they. Its not a normal rhythm.So I'm anxious again and I'm trying so hard not to be!!!
Perhaps we've got to start caring less about them.


29-01-07, 16:57
Please go to this website it will help you carol

29-01-07, 18:42
Thankyou carol, i have signed up there. It is reassuring to speak to so many people with the same symptoms isn't it?x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

30-01-07, 11:02
Hi Angie
Yes the website is a godsend its also nice that a doctor posts on there who relly knows what he is talking about
Its amazing how many people suffer with these
take care carol

02-02-07, 22:53
U just described many of my days and nights lately .I think its the fear of the feelings that we have causing our brains to overload never knowing exactly how to feel at any one time.. just try to work on relaxation techniques before bed and try to blank you mind and let your muscles relax and then maybe this will subside.lately I have been going to bed with all kinds of thoughts and doubts going through my mind and it continues working on them at night making me feel this way but when i try very hard to relax and blank my mind and let my body relax i usually dont have this problem


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

04-02-07, 11:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">TOTO
Please go to this website it will help you carol

<div align="right">Originally posted by cazza - 29 January 2007 : 16:57:49</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Many thanks for this. I've been trying really hard to accept that its anxiety thats causing them and it does help. I've been doing a lot of relaxation, reading about anxiety too. I think that I have several triggers...one of which is when I get bad heartburn or if I drink alcohol. I think this irritates that area which is next to your heart and this upsets the normal rhythm. But also, they come AFTER a period of high stress levels so I am trying not to get too hyper. Its difficult because of the job that I do but I can only try. Its almost like getting a migraine but in my heart! I used to get classic migraines with aura but I haven't had these for some time now.
My GP also thinks that a lot of the above is caused by my menopause.
Its complicated isn't it!

Anyway, thanks for listening x


PS Having read my current post I realise I've said most of this about 3 or 4 posts down!! I'm definitely obsessing! Apologies for repeating myself :)