View Full Version : panic attacks!!!!!!!!

27-01-07, 16:33
hi all im new to this but i have been suffering from panic disorder since 2003 but i had a tremendously bad attack about two hours ago and it still hasnt subsided yet i feel like im dying here!! my throats closing or so im thinking any tips you have would be great i need the help asap.

27-01-07, 16:35
Hi Lily

Welcome to the site. Its so horrible when you have an attack like that because you do feel like your dying. Try and sip some water and even go and lie somewhere quiet while you try to get yourself pulled back together. You will be okay hun and we are all here to support and help you.

Big hugs.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

27-01-07, 16:39
thanks sal this one is so intense its awful i feel like my heart is gong to stop beting any minute i just cant seem to calm down at all do you think that a bereavment may have brouht it on my great grandma died last night and i actually watched her die

27-01-07, 16:40
You can get this under control. It's not going to beat you. I don't get panic attacks but I get anxious and my thoughts can run amok. Breathing has to be the immediate answer. Deep breathing from the solar plexus, not from the upper chest which is what most people do.

For nearly forty years I didn't breathe correctly. I had to have a physio teach me. As I understand it, for really deep breathing the shoulders should not rise up, instead the belly should. Try lying down, put your hand on the region just above your navel. Breathe in very slowly and you should feel your hand being pushed out. Only when you fully inflate your lungs can you get adequate amounts of oxygen into your circulation. Shortage of oxygen makes us anxious.

Control that breathing. Check out sites on breathing exercises and meditation. If you can control the breath then you can control your thoughts and that deep breathing gets the oxygen into your system.


27-01-07, 16:43
Hi there, try not to be scared (easier said than done!) few deep breathes, as you know it is panic and will pass, as has been said a few sips of water - your throat will not close up, that i can promise. and why not have a little look through this site to distract you, maybe put some music on or the tv anything to take your mind off those awful symptoms, cos that's what they are, they will not harm you you will get through, it is not nice, but you will come out of this. take care and please keep in touch. xx

27-01-07, 16:44
Lily, just read the last post of yours. No wonder you're stressed out, who wouldn't be? But you can still get your anxiety under control. I just found this website.

Hope it helps

27-01-07, 16:45
i will keep in touch as i need the help and thankyou for your tips they are appreciated

27-01-07, 16:46
Oh darling, no wonder you are feeling the way you do, of course, such an awful shock would have caused this, am so sorry to hear of your loss. Try to be with other members of your family if at all possible, am so sorry you have had such a traumatic time, you will get through, it will be hard, keep in touch darling xxxxxx

27-01-07, 16:49
thanks elle ive jus had a look at the site i will try that out and thanks xx