View Full Version : Stuck in fight mode - possible?

30-05-15, 21:42
Is it possible for my body to be stuck in fight mode? Is this what PTSD is?
I went through 4 months of high fight mode type of stress, anger plus boxing twice a day nearly all for that length of te plus aload more emotional crap,

Is it possible that my body is now stuck in this mode - for 16 months I no longer feel normal my body will not go back to how I perceptionslly feel or totally relax, it's messing up my cognition as some of you know plus other horrible stuff - I'm worried I've damaged my brain!

The reason main reason too is I only feel normal or like I can't care is when I'm in some sort of rage! My anger is incredibly scary I just can't give a f when I get going which again is not me I wouldn't hurt a fly before all this, I want soft but I just never acted like I do I'm like a bull in china shop
I just see red mist and I honestly can not stop myself or care what I say who I hurt or how I do it! Scary to say but I feel out of control if someone upsets me.

I's this stuck in fight mode? Honestly when in this state I could not stop myself but now I've calmed down I'm now like oh f what have I done! - I don't just go off on one I'm not crazy I mean if someone gives me a reason to react I react too much -

.......think I've just over done it with a in law for going a bit to far with my wife on a message I went off on a rage BAD! Not me but why in it I couldn't care I tried to calm but couldn't.

Don't like the person I'm stuck as

01-06-15, 19:17
Can anyone help me with this?
Had a couple of really bad days I'm really mentally struggling cognitive it feels like my brains on drugs and I just have to go with what ever it feels including severe pains possibly somatic - I have no other explination, I felt so bad before I went for a sleep to escape it but woke up feeling worse like my heads full of sludge and heavy and I feel slow. See I have moments where il be all over the show convinced I'm going crazy 10 minutes later my body can shift my mind power will shift and so comes back my rationality fully and il be laughing at myself telling myself I'm still here I'm ok but then 15 mins later again a shift and il end up with nothing even my own thought don't seem to be connected to my awareness and it will hurt to try to feel what I've been doing in my my life -

I'm trying to read Peter levines book in an unspoken voice but most days I'm not clever enough to be able to read some days I feel as intelligent as I have all my life before this! In fact that's more moments than days - why is my cognition so so bad!? I know I went through a stessfull situation but i don't feel how I'm struggling is normal.

Does anyone suffer from PTSD can they please help me with this - the reason I ask is my psychiatrist believes I might be suffering from this illness and possibly dissociation or my body is trapped in some psychological state - if anyone has been through such things please help me im so desperate to get out of this place I feel trapped in. It feels like a place too,

I tell myself each day you got to keep going but honest to god I don't feel the shift of moving it's as if I'm just stuck I don't feel the feeling of time shifting,

I've lost my feeling of awarness it's driving me to feel like life just isn't worth living no more. Kills me to say that I have too beautiful children and a stunning wife and a large extended family, I had a career and like everyone else a social life I feel like I've lost it all and I mentally and emotionally no matter how hard k try I can't get better to feel how I use too my perception has changed and I'm trying to find myself - can someone please give me any experience and advice? Does this sound like PTSD and dissociation? It has to be psychological right? How do I sort my body out when I can barley think for myself.

01-06-15, 23:18

Are you posting in the right forum? I don't know your history, but you seem to think it's ptsd. This is gad.


02-06-15, 01:43
I think when it comes to things like this then anything is possible. I have certainly spent large periods of time in flight mode so bring in fight mode for prolonged periods must happen too.

Have you explained to your psychiatrist how much you are suffering? Are you on medication or have you had therapy for anger management? It sounds like you need more help and support than you are currently getting.

02-06-15, 12:09
Hi dan, not sure mate i just always seemed to get a good amount of advice when I post in this section also seems to be section that's mostly updated and used.

Medication wise I'm only taking a small dose of a anti depressant - simply because I'm going through so much cognitive crap I don't need added side effects but in the end I needed to try - not really doing much. I tried to self medicate using supplements for a few months but had no effect either, used good brain ones that cost a lot and have been highly recommended too. my psychiatrist understands how much I'm suffering and has tried teaming up with my neurologist ect but because he is so good in what he does and the only therapist on the NHS in our area that understands my illness and how to treat it he Has over 1000 patients in his care So it's a case of when he can see me.

Basically now just giving in. Blacked out and collapsed yesterday - having se sort of seizure like symptoms too but my neurolgist just can't find owt.