View Full Version : i hav anxiety bout my teeth and clenching

27-01-07, 17:54
hi i wanted some advice....about two front teeth being filed down

i have been having alot of problems with teeth clenching...the clenching started
wen i was very stressed and depressed due to a throat problem which lasted along time...it turned me into a hyperchondriac constantly worrying about my health. i would constanly clench my back teeth during the day wen feeling anxious....

now i realised that im clenhcing at night as well...as i wake up with head/ear/jaw pain...im trying to get my self outa this habbit...
i have stoped clenching during the day although i do get a urge to do so sometims. however at night the clenching is still an issue im due to get a mouthguard for my bottom teeth.

but im worrying about something which i wanted ur opinion about...
before the stress and depression and clenching habbit...i had my two front teeth filed down about 3 or 4 mm. could the fact that i had my two front teeth filed be the cause of my clennching or am i worrying for no reason?

i cant stop thinking that if the clenching is caused by my two front teeth being filed down i wont be able to stop this habbit as my teeth wont go back to how they were.

or is it jus a learned habbit caused by stress?

i know all this sounds petty and silly but im very distressed at moment i would be grateful for any replys. i jus need some reassurance that the clenching is habbit caused by stress and not the fact that my front teeth were filed.

has any1 else had any similar problems by having thier two front teeth filed down?

thank u


27-01-07, 20:49
Hi Sam,
I haven't had my teeth filed (although one front one was broken some time ago and is capped) but i do clench my teeth when im feeling stressed and particually at night. I really cant see that the filing could cause this. Its more likely your underlying worry about this is actually causing it. If your worried about damage to you teeth i would suggest a gum shield for nights to stop any damage by grinding / clenching your teeth.

"It does get better"

28-01-07, 13:07
can anybody else reply and tell me their opinion of what they think is causing the clenchin stress or top 2 teeth being filed...im really worried i jus...i jus need reassurance..

thank u


28-01-07, 13:11
hey sam, Ive already told you what i think. Remember not to worry, I'm here to chat if you need to.
