View Full Version : weird sweet/metallic taste in mouth...feels like it's coming from salivary glands?

31-05-15, 13:09
A few minutes ago I started getting a weird saccharine sweetener type taste in my mouth and it felt like it's coming from my salivary glands....it tastes kind of like the coating of this medication I take. Like the nasty synthetic sweet chemical taste. But I took my meds hours agoso I don't see how any could be remaining.

I thought it was harmless but I looked it up and some sites were saying it's a possible sign of a stroke or seizure and now I'm freaking out!

I don't have any history of seizures. I do get terrible aura migraines sometimes though.
I'm worried about a stroke because yesterday I didn't take my propanolol and I'm worried my blood pressure might have spiked or something. But I've taken my dose today. No other symptoms apart from this weird rush of saliva. Anyone ever had this before? I feel like I experienced this one time years ago but I've forgotten what happened. I know sometimes medications can make your body fluids taste weird. I really hope it's just the medication :(

31-05-15, 13:14
Yes I had this a week ago, and it lasted for about 3 days. It's probably from your meds as this is a very common side effect

31-05-15, 19:57
Well it's been a few hours and it's gone now. Very relieved. Thank you for your reply :)

31-05-15, 22:12
You're welcome :)