View Full Version : sheer panic

31-05-15, 14:43
Hi for the last 3 weeks ive had terrible panic attacks it was just continual i saw my doctor and shes put me on propranol 40mg i can take up to 3 tablets a day,at the moment ive been on them since friday and have just taken one a day as they frighten me for some reason,im feeling so dizzy and have so much stress in my neck i cant release it and its making my eyes water,is anyone else taking propranol and how does it affect you.

31-05-15, 16:25
I've been on propranolol for 8 years now. It lowers my heart rate. I don't have any other side effects. I think when I first started it made me a little tired and light headed, but that also could be from stress and anxiety. I take it for a fast heart rate. It does nothing for my panic and anxiety however, only lowers the heart rate.

31-05-15, 20:36
Hi thanks for your reply
yes i understand what you are saying now i will have to keep taking diazepam and mirtazapine for my anxiety,its always good to talk to someone thankyou.

31-05-15, 20:49
I've been given propanalol 10 and 40 MG's.
I hate taking meds. And imagine all kinds of side effects.
The doc told me 40mg is the main effective dose for panic.
But I take between 10-20 mg. When I'm anxious.

When i first took it, i felt slightly nauseated, and tired.
But don't now....and I don't take it was every day,
so I guess I mustve imagined the side effects!!

Neck pain will prob b anxiety.
Take care