View Full Version : New member

28-01-07, 07:04
Hiya, This is my first time using this website. I first came across this webpage some days ago and foung it helpful. I have being on antidepressants for nearly three months. Up until I took them I used to suffer from severe anxiety. However I began to notice that after the anxiety subsided I would become seriously depressed hence the reason for going on the antidepressants. I have managed to snap out out of this before but I have found that the same pattern has occured again despite the fact that I am on medication. This disheartens me greatly. The strange things that after reading this website a few days ago my anxiety subsided and rational thoughts emerged. However the depression has set in.

I thought this latest relapse may of been due to a change in routine. I am currently on holiday which I had planned for months. The problem now is that I wish I was back home so at least I could get back to my old routine. I went out the previous night to drown my sorrows. Of course the next day i felt much worse as well as being sunburnt. I miss my girlfriend who is back at home. But I fear what will happen if i tell her the extent of my problems. She knows of my problem but she has never seen me relapsed.

Everything seems so blurred at the moment. I cant focus and feel trapped. I have tried counselling and hypnosis (both with limited success) but what really bungs me is that I thought with being on medication this could not happen again. Any tips?

I did stop taking my tablets for a week in around christmas as the prescription rang out. But I have been back on them since. Could this absense for one week possibly explain the relapse even though it occurred some weeks ago. I can honestly say this is the worst day of my life.


28-01-07, 09:49
Welcome to the boards Ryan. I think what you're experiencing is the normal up and down of depression. There's no catch-all cure and it does take time.

Love Jo x

28-01-07, 11:18
Hi Ryan,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

28-01-07, 12:40
Hi Ryan,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."