View Full Version : Sick and Tired of Anxiety how can I overcome it

02-06-15, 09:15
I have reached the point where my anxiety (health) is seriously depressing me and making me so miserable and down. When I'm ok I spend my time waiting for symptoms to re-appear and when I'm suffering my symptoms are nausea, hot face, fear of fainting which I tend to do at the height of it all.

I am waiting to have a gynaceology procedure which requires general anasthetic and I have 2 appointments prior to that, this whiole thing has been dragging on since the end of February when I was informed that the meriva coil I had inserted had moved and wasn't in the right position and needed to be removed. When I had it inserted it was traumatic enough and I fainted and felt horrendous.

I just don't feel I can cope with the constant fear of the unknown and despite being level headed and a practical person I can't stop the fear, so miserable.

02-06-15, 17:38
Sorry i can't offer any miracle cures! Having been a sufferer since a child I can confirm it has a huge impact on life. With age and hindsight I can now say that I have spent nearly all my life worrying about things that never happened and am rather annoyed with myself for doing this! I now try and enjoy every minute of my life because I can see how much of it I have wasted worrying.
I still panic at any new symptom but now I can take a step back and say " wait and see if this symptom goes away" rather than running to Dr immediately.
So my only words of wisdom are you can waste your life worrying about what might not happen or you can enjoy it. Not meaning to sound harsh here but now I am older I can see what I did.