View Full Version : New to the forum and a little worried

02-06-15, 11:02
hey everyone hope everyone is well i am to to the forum and also worried about something and hope someone will ease my worrying what it is i have celluitis in both feet at the minute which i am on antibiotics for but under my left armpit started to feel like a dull ache and my left pek is a little larger than my right pek is there anything to be worried about but all bloods and blood pressure came back perfect Exept for the infection due to celluitus should i be worried ?

02-06-15, 17:33
The cellulitis can cause swollen lymph nodes because your body is fighting the infection but the antibiotics should get the better of this in time.

Do you know why you have cellulitis?

02-06-15, 21:10
I have bad dry skin which caused the celluitus and this is the first time I have ever had it cause when I felt my lymph glands I googled it and I think you know what it came up with first

02-06-15, 22:08
Of course it did!! If you had googled swollen glands and cellulitis it would give you a different answer.
I imagine you have very dry itchy skin and you scratch it and this has allowed infection in?
My mother in law had repeat cellulitis in her legs due to diabetes and we found that if she rubbed neat tea tree oil into her legs every night and lots of moisturises she never got it again.

03-06-15, 07:35
your exactly right bout the itchyness it is driving me mad butI am just a bit worried about my left breast has enlarged but under my arm isn't tender anymore though