View Full Version : Help convince me I'm fine!

02-06-15, 13:08
Apologies in advance for the length - once I start rambling, it's hard to stop and I wanted to include all info in case people can identify with me.

For the last 18 months, I've been experiencing chest aches, like a dull ache, like a muscle strain, but I can't make it hurt by twisting or poking it, so I'm not sure if it is actually a muscle. I doubt a muscle would hurt for so long, but that's the type of sensation.

The aches are mainly on the left side, by my shoulder, under my armpit, underneath the nipple area, and on my back, pretty much on my left shoulder blade. It's hardly ever central, although it has been sometimes. Never on the right side. I also get a pressure style feeling, like someone is sitting down on my chest, but only on that side. It feels like that side is heavier somehow than my right side. It feels like my body is unbalanced. My worst complaint is that I hardly ever feel comfortable or relaxed. There's always an ache or twinge somewhere all the time. It's really hard to feel relaxed and happy. I feel like I want to stand up and do a big shake to get rid of all the tightness, but it doesn't help!

Occasionally, I get a squeezing pinching feeling in my right arm, right down by the hand, on the inside, right where the blue veins are on the wrist. It feels like it's in a gentle vice, for a few seconds at a time. Not sure what that is.

Sometimes, my throat aches too - on my neck, to either side of my adam's apple.

Over the last 2-3 months, I have also found it difficult to breathe, but tough to explain. I can actually breathe fine, and have never hyperventilated or been gasping. It just feels like I'm walked into a sauna, that feeling of it being slightly more difficult to get a full deep breath. Sometimes when I deliberately take a big deep breath, it aches slightly in my chest, almost like I'm reached my lung capacity and it's being stretched.

Because of the location of the pains, I have always thought heart problems. In my head, failure to pump around oxygen properly might result in pains, aches, light headedness (which I used to get a lot, but less recently), headaches, and breathing issues.

I used to get very fast palpitations (pulse went up from a normal 60ish to 110). My blood pressure is normally bang on 120/80, and it used to go up to 140/100ish. That hasn't happened for a month or so though.

Doctor diagnosed health anxiety, and prescribed propananol which I haven't taken at all. I enrolled on a CBT course and I've had 6 one-to-one sessions and 6 group education sessions. I haven't consciously seen much benefit, but just typing this message, I guess some symptoms have dropped off recently. I haven't taken the medication because I wanted to try CBT first. Medication is my last resort. I still want to try hypnotherapy, acupuncture, etc before medication.

I do get anxious about my symptoms, and I get some classic anxiety things like clammy hands, feeling of dread, irritability, lack of patience dealing with my family, tiredness really quickly, slight shakiness sometimes, especially in my legs, and the anxiety is heightened by certain situations, or watching medical programmes, or talking to people who have had heart attacks recently.

I have had many ECGs, a stress ECG, and an echocardiogram which all came back fine. I had a full blood count to check for thyroid, magnesium levels, red/white blood cell count, and they all came back normal. My blood pressure and pulse in the doctors is always normal. My cholesterol is actually really good (the good one should be greater than 1, and it's 0.78, and the bad one should be under 5.5, and mine's 3.5. The total figure should be less than 4.5, and mine's bang on 4.5 so the doctor said I'm fine). The NHS and BUPA doctors gave me a 0.03% chance of developing heart problems within the next 10 days, considering I'm 30 years old, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs and my diet is decent enough. My fitness is poor but improving. I cycle around 30-35 miles a week at a slow pace.

My questions are:

- I know some people that have had heart attacks at my age out of nowhere, and their ECG's and echo's were fine. Is it possible to have good results as the problems would only show up when I was actually feeling bad? I'd ideally like a holter 24 hr test, but the doctors won't entertain that anymore, since they see me as such a low risk.

- In people's opinions on here, who have probably been for many tests over the years, if my ECG and echo and stress ECG have all been fine, and I've had the symptoms for several months, is it likely that my heart is fine, or is there still a decent chance that I have a hidden heart problem?

- Assuming it is anxiety, and maybe a bit of stress - can this itself cause heart problems? I always hear that stress is the number 1 cause of heart attacks. Could being anxious about a heart problem actually cause the arteries to close, or blood vessels to shrink, etc, and end up causing problems?

- Do people think all of my aches could be caused by something silly like bad posture, bad mattress, bad sleeping position, etc? I have noticed my posture is pretty bad, and I slouch quite a lot. I just feel comfy in that position!

- I have recently cut out gluten. Can gluten withdrawal cause any problems that people are aware of?

- Could some digestive issue be to blame here? I've read about IBS, GERD, acid reflux, and while I do have some of those symptoms, I don't have all of them. I have started a food diary but only got 2 days worth so far. I can't see how food could cause persistent chest aching and breathing issues, and the feelings of dread and just wanting to run away that I get, especially because my diet hasn't really changed (except the gluten) over the last 5/6 years, and these problems are only 6/12/18 months old.

I know it's a long post, but getting people's comments and thoughts would be really useful and reassuring to me.

The worst thing in the world to me happened this morning. My colleague is the same age as me, same build, better fitness, probably better overall health, had a heart attack 2 weeks ago, out of nowhere, no warnings, and he'd had clear echo's and ECG's a few weeks before. Really got my mind working! :mad:

02-06-15, 13:36
hi there.

by the sounds of it you have had all the tests completed by the doctor and they have all come back fine.

you stated that your doctor has told you its anxiety (but you dont believe him because you still feel unwell) :- i was the same anxiety works in so many ways and will mimic other conditions, also because you are anxious your muscles tense which makes you feel like your having heart pain, what helps me when i get this is a hot water bottle it helps with the pain and tension

you think your going to have a heart attack at 30. :- if i could tell you how many times i thought id had a heart attack or was having a heart attack it would be here forever. people can have heart attacks at young ages (my partner was 40 a smoker and it was hereditory in his family) but 30 is very young and with all your tests coming back great, then this is anxiety

Doctor has prescribed you proporananol (but you havent taken it) :- you havent taken it becuase your frightened ofhow it will make you feel. a friend of mind who is a doctor told me once when ii was frightened about taking proprananol, if i told you to take it to lower your blood pressure you would so why not take for anxiety logical. yes you may feel strange becuase you have never taken it, i was the same but it will help you, i take 40mg up to 3 times a day as and when required, some days i dont take any but others i can take 3, i also take an antidepressant too. i can understand you not wanting to take it through fear i was the same but once you take it and build your confidence taking it you will be fine.

I have suffered from health anxiety for 11 years, had many many symptoms you are not alone.

hope this helps.

02-06-15, 13:49
It does help, yes, thank you very much.

My mind keeps going back to those people that did have proper problems at my age, with no warning, even appearing to have good test results. I know there will always be a 0.1% group of people like that, and I have no real reason to suspect I'm in there, but then again, neither did they! On the other hand, the doctors have done everything they think is needed, so if I am in that unlucky group, there's nothing I can do about it.

To be honest, when I said it was muscle-like pain, perhaps it is related to tension. It's very strange, because often, I don't feel particularly anxious. I might be sitting on my sofa doing nothing, and yet I'll get a symptom or an ache, and that will be starting point for my mind to wander. It is strange that a) it doesn't hurt all the time like a muscle should, b) I can't make it hurt by twisting etc and c) it seems to be triggered by absolutely nothing.

Those 3 points are probably the reason I'm hesitant to accept the anxiety diagnosis. Although quite why I think an intermittent, hidden, heart problem is more likely is beyond me! I assume it's a human trait to expect the worst.

The doctor did prescribe me the smallest possible amount of propanonol, I think it's either 5mg or 10mg. I've just read horror stories about people reacting to beta blockers with bad symptoms, and they sound worse than what I've got now. Also, I've heard of people with rare adrenal tumours called phaenochromocytoma or something, that react very badly to beta blockers, and cause really serious problems. I really must stop reading things! I guess any medication has associated risks.

The main reason I haven't taken it is because the heart fluttering and fast beats have stopped recently, and I'm left with the aches, throat closing sensations and feelings of panic, and I'm unsure whether a beta blocker will help with those. I need to ask the doctor about that.

I feel like the boy that cried wolf sometimes. I'm in the position now of deliberately ignoring chest pains because I think it's anxiety. One day, that logic might backfire horribly!

In my CBT course, they explained the difference between anxiety and heart attack pain, and pretty much the only difference is that hyperventilation only occurs with anxiety and not heart attacks. That was no use to me since I don't get hyperventiliations!

To be honest, I'm probably a lot less symptomatic than others on this forum, so I shouldn't complain, but it has been a little bit life changing for me, and it's a very annoying sensation/feeling that stops me wanting to do things, so I want it gone! Either way, I want an answer! I've always felt that knowledge will be a good thing, but researching into things doesn't always have the desired effect.

By the way, thank you for your reply - in your experience, have you found any change to diet to be useful, or do you think yours is completely unrelated to diet?

02-06-15, 14:08
no problem,

what you said about reading:- . I've just read horror stories about people reacting to beta blockers with bad symptoms, and they sound worse than what I've got now. Also, I've heard of people with rare adrenal tumours called phaenochromocytoma or something, that react very badly to beta blockers, and cause really serious problems. I really must stop reading things! I guess any medication has associated risks. :- stop reading everything and stop googleing, searching things will heighten your anxiety.

tightness iin throat, palpatations,shortness of breath or feeling you cant catch your breath are common symtoms of anxietY like a pounding and rapid heartbeat are associated with panic attacks.

what you are doing is catastrophising - you get a pain in yur chest, (its your heart) yoou get a pain in your leg ( its DVT) you get a pain in your head or numbness ( its a stroke) and so it spirals , what you have got to try and do is think logically, distract yourself from the thought , easier said than done i know.

Anxiety can srtike at any time and for no reason, but what yuhave got to understand that it cant harm you, you have got to take control of it and manage it. It is hard but it can be done.

02-06-15, 15:53
It is hard. Especially when all the websites and advice say don't ignore chest pain. If it is anxiety, the best thing for me to do would be to ignore it, I guess. It feels a dangerous game. I sometimes wish I could experience a safe heart attack so I knew what it felt like so I could compare it to my normal symptoms and be reassured it's anxiety!

I probably do catastrophise but oddly only about my heart. If I had a leg pain, I'd think nothing of it. But the chest pain is definitely heart to me!

Thank you for your comments though - I wasn't sure if this should go in the health anxiety forum but I posted it here to see if people thought my symptoms were concerning enough for me to push the doctor for more tests. I think your response has given me some reassurance.

02-06-15, 18:59
A servant was sent one day by his master to the market.
Once there the servant saw death stood watching him from the other side of a stall.
The servant quickly ran home to his master and cried for him to plead with death.

His master told him to be safe and take the boat across the sea to his second mansion over 30 miles away and that he would speak to death sternly that the servant should be spared.

The master then went to the market to find death and on doing so gave him a hard conversation...
Death apologised for startling the servant and explained...

'I was just as startled as your servant this morning sir, you see I was certain that I have an appointment to take him tonight but a long distance from here far across the sea.'