View Full Version : Lymphnodes worry please hellp :(

02-06-15, 16:18
I have a few lymphnodes in the posterior cervical zone in my neck, i read that this was the most common place for lymphoma and other head and neck cancers. Since i read that i am really concerned. They are not so big, about 1cm. They are also symmetrical and that is a good sign and they are good movable and feeling soft. But i am really scared because it is in the lymphoma zone.does anyone else feel this in this zone? i have them for about 5 months and they didn't grow but they also didn't shrink. Please someone help me :/

---------- Post added at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

And i am 15 years old

Gary A
02-06-15, 16:35
They just sound like normal lymph nodes to me, especially as they haven't grown in 5 months.

02-06-15, 18:24
Hi I also have a lymph node above my collarbone. However mine is only on one side and worries me a lot also but it is very moveable. I wouldn't worry, sometimes after being sick your log nodes can remain permanently enlarged, they are called 'shotty' nodes. I'm 16 and the good news is that at our age, cancer is highly unlikely!

02-06-15, 20:25
do you also have some under your chin? i have them as well and also som on the back of my schedule.:blush:

02-06-15, 20:30
I don't have any under my chin, but I do have one on my neck and two under both sides of my jaw. They are probably one of the things that make me most anxious!

02-06-15, 22:19

This was also one of my major worries when i was suffering with health anxiety before. I had and still have a node that is raised in my collar area on the left side. It is moveable and the size of a small pea.

It has been there now for over 2 years, i went to the doctor and he assured my it was a shotty gland... search it. Basically it is a gland that comes up when you are ill and does not return to its normal state.

I can understand your worry and do get it checked but once they tell you it is ok please do not disbelieve and stop poking it as this makes it worse.

In essence it will probably be there now for the rest of your life, so long as it does not increase in size or cause any discomfort ignore it.

Google shotty gland and it will describe exactly what you have, did you notice it after a cold or any virus?

Try not to worry i know its not easy but i am sure you have not got lymphoma.

Take care.

03-06-15, 12:08
I've had a swollen pea sized lymph node in my posterior cervical chain for over a year now. It came up after an ear infection and I was still convinced I had lymphoma or something more sinister. I understand your fears when it comes to lymph nodes, it can be very scary finding a lump on yourself.

03-06-15, 17:44
is it gone now? was it movable and feeling soft/rubbery? i'm still concerned :(
was yours also flat ?

03-06-15, 17:48
is it gone now? was it movable and feeling soft/rubbery? i'm still concerned :(
was yours also flat ?

Hi. Mine is still here after a year and a half and still the same size. Its movable as in it wiggles under my finger and it feels rubbery but I got told from the doctor that was normal for snotty lymph nodes to feel like that. Just as long as they aren't rock solid. Shorty lymph nodes just means swollen nodes that came up from an infection and haven't went back down in size again which is usually because people play about with them. No mine isn't flat. It feels like a pea but a bit smaller.

03-06-15, 17:51
Nodes are a pretty common theme on the boards. The fact you have 500-700 of them in your body means that you're going to feel them at one point or another. If one swells or becomes painful then they're doing what they're supposed to be doing.

The main fear here is some kind of cancer. The FACT is: Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go, nor does it stop once it starts. If there were an issues, it would become VERY obvious in time.

Poking and prodding (Stop! I see you touching your neck! :roflmao:) will only irritate and slow down any healing. It may even cause the node to become shotty and it will never go down.

At your young age, it's highly unlikely anything sinister is going on. Don't poke and prod it and it will resolve.

Positive thoughts

03-06-15, 18:07
Can shotty nodes also be rock solid? Mine are not rubbery or soft but are very hard

03-06-15, 18:45
Can shotty nodes also be rock solid? Mine are not rubbery or soft but are very hard

"Shotty" lymph nodes are ones that are not only hard and round but also small and of no consequence.

There was/is a member who poked and prodded his nodes so much that they not only became shotty but matted as well. Years and years of appointments and fear and being told he was fine..... Finally, he found a doctor who did an invasive procedure (biopsy) under general anesthesia to remove them. Guess what? NOTHING! He STILL didn't believe it! Don't go down that path.

Positive thoughts

03-06-15, 20:59
are you still worried or not?
and if you not how did you beat your fear then?

04-06-15, 03:37
Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread...I just have one more question. Can poking/prodding nodes make them grow?

04-06-15, 03:45
Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread...I just have one more question. Can poking/prodding nodes make them grow?

Yes. Poking and prodding can irritate them and make them swell and prevent them from healing... think of it like constantly picking a scab.

Positive thoughts