View Full Version : Stomach and chest moving in time with heart beat.

02-06-15, 16:44
I've never noticed this before but when in lying/sitting down my left breast and my stomach move in time with my pulse. My heart rate has been quite fast today and when I feel my pulse it feels really powerful. I have occasional chest pain and arm weakness but this could be anxiety.
Is it normal to see my heart beating through my chest or is this a sign of a serious heart problem. I'm 18 and not overweight but I'm not skinny either.

Thank you :( Please can someone reassure me :(

02-06-15, 17:31
Completely normal I would say especially if you don't have a good covering of fat. If your anxious your heart will be beating heavily which will make it more visible. The saying " I am sure everyone could see my heart beating" when someone is nervous refers to what you are saying.

I would guess you were firstly feeling anxious about something and this make your heart beat faster and harder and then you noticed this and this made you notice the movement??

02-06-15, 17:45
Completely normal I would say especially if you don't have a good covering of fat. If your anxious your heart will be beating heavily which will make it more visible. The saying " I am sure everyone could see my heart beating" when someone is nervous refers to what you are saying.

I would guess you were firstly feeling anxious about something and this make your heart beat faster and harder and then you noticed this and this made you notice the movement??

Thank you for your reply. I would say i do have a reasonable covering of fat! I am very anxious and stressed atm. I've googled it (which I know is stupid) and all these things have come up about AAA which is potentially fatal. But it's common in older men mostly. I am in a very bad state at the moment regarding anxiety, and i don't know if it's just because ive noticed it and now all my mind can think of is my heart.

02-06-15, 21:13
I feel the same way you do have done for years it is normal

02-06-15, 22:06
AAA is a middle aged mans disease! It also has a big genetic influence as well through the male line ( I know this as my uncles family have the genetic fault and all males have had AAA) so a young female with AAA would make the record books!

03-06-15, 01:23
You can see a pulse in both your chest and stomach stop they will beat in time. The chest is always the most obvious with it being the heart but there are various places you can take a pulse from around the body and many can be visually seen.

You don't have to breathe in time to it but you could be breathing quite quickly, I guess. Try to slow your breathing though so you slow your heart rate and feel better/less anxious.

03-06-15, 02:26
I have this too and I'm not thin (we're the same age and from the sounds of it a very similar build). Everyone does, I think, but most people don't notice or aren't bothered (unless they're quite overweight, then it probably wouldn't be observable). It's more noticeable when I'm sitting or lying down and sometimes it's really strong- others, not so much. I asked both my parents if they could feel it (one has quite a beer gut too!) and they both could.

I think if you had an aortic aneurysm it'd be overt and pulsating quite violently all the time, enough to cause people who don't normally mind the sensation alarm. Remember, your aorta is the largest and most flexible blood vessel in your body, so you're going to feel it when it's going. Anxiety also causes your heart to beat more strongly, too, which makes these sensations more noticeable.

Also AAAs are usually the product of atherosclerosis which is highly unlikely to be present in sufficient quantities at your age (and gender) to cause an aneurysm, regardless of your lifestyle.

All the best :)

21-04-17, 07:00
hello, i have the same problem.i had anxiety for quite a few time and before about a month i noticed a pulse in my stomach, but I haven't noticed it before.i mean i don't know about nearer months but it wasn't like that before. i am only 16 in this year and now i am so worried about my health. and i am female. as u have posted it before about 2 yrs, i am wondering how ur condition might be now. are u in good health? did u go to a doctor? u think i should go to a doctor ASAP? i have to take a big axam this year and i feel like i won't be able to do studies bcoz of this. plz reply ASAP!