View Full Version : Helpful book

02-06-15, 18:50
I'm reading "The compassionate mind" by Paul Gilbert at the moment and it's been really helpful explaining the different threat systems and how they work and are built up over time with different experiences etc. In other words how and why we've ended up in panic cycles. Reading it so far I've been having a lot of "a-ha" moments and things have been clicking into place. I haven't read the second half yet which is about how we can develop and train ourselves to become compassionate towards ourselves. Has anyone else read this book? :)

06-06-15, 01:17
Hi Nat2015,

no I haven't read that book but will make a note of it, I am currently reading Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders by Gerge H Eifert PhD and John p Forsyth PhD.
It has a complete new way of looking at anxiety disorders and suggests mindfulness exercises and not running away from yourself or things or even bothering with coping techniques (easier said than done, I know). It is very interesting as it is written for therapists and apparently has a lot of empirical evidence backing up its usefulness...its pretty expensive though.

''We cannot fight ourselves and win''.

All the best,


06-06-15, 17:12
Hi Nat2015,

no I haven't read that book but will make a note of it, I am currently reading Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders by Gerge H Eifert PhD and John p Forsyth PhD.
It has a complete new way of looking at anxiety disorders and suggests mindfulness exercises and not running away from yourself or things or even bothering with coping techniques (easier said than done, I know). It is very interesting as it is written for therapists and apparently has a lot of empirical evidence backing up its usefulness...its pretty expensive though.

''We cannot fight ourselves and win''.

All the best,


Hi Steve, thanks for that. I've added that book onto my reading list :) I've also got a book called "Building your self confidence using compassion focused therapy" by Mary Welford which looks good on flicking through, but I haven't started it yet.

Great quote at the end of your reply Steve and very true! :yesyes: