View Full Version : paralysing neck pain

02-06-15, 23:23
Hi, just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this...

This is something that happened many years ago, but I am exploring my past and never really got any answers regarding this.

So, back when I was 12... I awoke one morning with incredible pain in my neck. It was excrutiating, I couldn't move because of the pain. Even thinking about moving hurt. Doctor, ambulance, hospital isolation ward - suspected meningitis. It gradually eased a little through the day and following night. The next day I was fine. Not meningitis. The very vague diagnosis was a 'virus'.

Some years later I was talking to mum about it, I told her it had been exactly the same thing that I remember getting when I was a lot younger. I asked if she had ever taken me to the doctor about it back then, she said of course she had. So, what did he say? He said it was stress. Mum told him, "Don't be ridiculous, she's 2 (I think) years old!".

I have been trying to work out what stressful things could have been going on around those times, then I thought - someone else may have experienced this? I don't believe it was torticollis (that was never considered by my doctor).

Does anyone relate? Thanks for reading x