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View Full Version : incredible fear due to missing blood

03-06-15, 19:08
I kid you not - this could only happen to me.
I had gone for an HIV test. Same day. Over £100.
Result was due by 5pm
I rang the surgery repeatedly and they kept saying "result wasn't in". Eventually I was so panicked I just demanded to wait on the line. After about 15 mins of holding I was told "look, you won't believe this but the lab has lost the sample..."....of course, I was utterly shocked and also worried this was a tactic to avoid telling me the truth....so I made the lab ring me directly...Sure enough the sample has been lost.....
Luckily, the lab is open late so I drove directly and did the test again but I hope you can see that for an HIV anxious person this was probably the worst possible experience of my life. I am still obviously deeply fearful of what tonight brings as they will hopefully send me the result around 10.30pm but I am trying to distract myself and stick to the facts that I did not have unprotected intercourse with anyone; didnt have any oral sex/touching of genitalia or inject anything so my risk is effectively v v low.

any support offered would be hugely received in these troubling hours.

04-06-15, 10:55
Poor you. It does sound very unlikely that you are at risk.

I expect by the time I am reading this you have your results though.
What news?

---------- Post added at 10:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 ----------

Have just read you other post and that is good news, eh?

04-06-15, 22:03
Yes. Good news. And yes, very unlikely. But, the fear was awful and there is still a bit of me which will need to get a definitive result at 28 days. But, today was a better day and I could focus on work and went for a few hours without worrying or self-examining. Thank you for your support. Means a lot to me. x

05-06-15, 09:18
You're welcome.