View Full Version : Lung Cancer HA and Bloody sputum

04-06-15, 07:07
Going into a complete panic lately over lung cancer. (God I wish Health Anxiety would leave me be!) About two weeks ago I started finding blood in my saliva/sputum whatever you wanna call it. Its completely random too. Could be after I have been running around and exercising or just sitting on the couch watching TV. Its been about half a dozen times over the past 2 weeks or so. Its never after a cough. So far its happened mainly in the evenings too.

I just suddenly taste blood ( it never happens after a cough and I have no persistent cough) in my mouth and I spit and my saliva is red or streaked with blood or in one case a few bright red specs. I of course lost my mind and started panicking and worrying about it. I have been trying to trace it back to what I could have done and all I can see it is the weather has been extremely dry then the next day extremely wet. I also have started singing a lot again. ( in some musicals as acting is my main profession) First time singing to this extreme in a year.

My history of tobacco is I started smoking when I was 16 and quit when I was 26. I smoked about half a pack a day at most.. usually less. At 28 I picked up vaping but I quit that a few weeks ago as well. I am now 32 years old and male. I am having no difficulties breathing or any pain.

As I am out of town where my current acting contract is I couldnt go see my DR so I went o the insta care or urgent care and told them my symptoms.

I had blood work done and it game back fine and the doc said my lungs sounded great. Then I requested a Chest Xray and the results came back clear. Though I have of course heard from evil dr google cases where clear chest xrays missed cancer.

I am just terrified and not sure what to do. I think Id be letting the HA win and be crazy if I went in and requested a CT scan. Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks in advance!

04-06-15, 10:00
Hi there,

From what I know of others who've had lung cancer, they've coughed up blood, not spat it out. I think it'd be worth seeing your doctor as it could (and is much more likely to) be caused by your singing so often. There could be some technique issues and, if so, you'll want to correct them so the injuries, if there are any, can sort themselves out.

All the best :)