View Full Version : red mole or patch on back?

04-06-15, 13:47
For the last few months ive been suffering from severe health anxiety for my throat, mouth and now skin. I have what looks a bit like a mole on my back and i think a few months ago i may have scratched it and irritated it which made it red. Im only 17 and I always use suncream when I go to hot places on holiday plus the patch is covered by my shirt so I dont think its anything serious. but I still am having anxiety over this. Im seeing a doctor later, but my fear is getting the better of me. (the patch is flat by the way). Does anyone think this is serious? Is it rare for someone like me to get skin cancer? I'm freaking out...:huh::huh:

12-06-15, 01:23
Its was nothing, ignore this post :P

12-06-15, 01:41
None of us can really know what it is, but I am glad you are going to the doctor - purely for your own reassurance. I have had many odd marks, including a full birth mark show up on my back out of nowhere when I was 14. It was completely benign, still have it. My husband has lots of weird marks on his skin that are nothing bad. So hang in there, when is your appointment?