View Full Version : Horrible waves of dizziness??

04-06-15, 20:50
Hi, so I recently posted about extreme nausea I've been experiencing. Well along with the nausea I have been getting these waves of really bad dizziness where I just feel unsteady and unbalanced and get this rushing feeling to my head. It's been happening very frequently and is really starting to scare me. Could this just be anxiety? Should I see my doctor about this? I'm really worried about it

04-06-15, 22:11
I think when you're REALLY worried about anything you should definitely consult a GP for the solo reason it'll rocket your anxiety until you do so. Light headiness is something I've experienced during intense periods of anxiety and sometimes when I was on propanolol also, if you're on medication you should consider that as a possible reason? The unsteadiness I can relate to because I also suffer from vertigo during panic episodes and sometimes mild anxiety also but my doctors related it to anxiety. I'm not so sure tho...

04-06-15, 22:17
I am not currently on any meds. I was on setraline about a month or so ago but ran out and need to see my dr for a new prescription. I'm just concerned because I have not been overly anxious lately and have not had any panic attacks in about a month or two so I'm not sure what this dizziness is about

04-06-15, 22:28
Then I would maybe consult a doctor to put your mind at rest if nothing else :) I'm currently on day 18
Of sertraline an I'm feeling a bit weird how did it make you feel? :)

05-06-15, 00:44
I didn't have too many side effects however I did feel a bit out of it when I first started taking it

---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ----------

I'm also feeling extremely tired this week

Gary A
05-06-15, 00:47
This is classic of anxiety related dizziness. It may be brought on by hyperventilating, a constant release of adrenaline and noradrenaline or a wonderful combination of them all. Typically, the initial "rush" is felt by the anxious person and this brings on adrenaline rushes and hyperventilatiom which only serves to make it worse.

The next time it happens, try to control your breathing and focus on calming yourself down. Reacting with "OMFG WHAT WAS THAT" will only make it worse.

05-06-15, 03:54
Thanks for your response. It just worries me because I get these waves when in not anxious at all and typically don't start hyperventilating or anything afterwards. I might have an appt with my GP next week to get a refill on my meds so I will see what she has to say

05-06-15, 13:50
You won't know your hyperventilating as this can just mean you are breathing slightly faster or more shallowly than you should. If this type of slight overbreathing happens for any length of time then you will get all the symptoms of hyperventilation. Have you counted how many breaths you are taking in a minute. I think but not sure that 12-16 is normal range?

How long have you been on the AD drug as if you have been on it for some time and you suddenly stopped it because you ran out then you can get all sorts of strange effects on the body from the sudden stop?

Def worth seeing you Dr about it just for reassurance

05-06-15, 21:39
Thanks for your reply. The dizziness is worse today. I talked to my mom who says she gets something similar and that its just allergies from all the pollen. Is this possible? I'm also getting a tired feeling around my eyes

Simon Dorn
05-06-15, 22:36
I must suffer from every type of anxiety symptom there is, hot skin in the face, arms, head, back, fatigue, dizziness, sickness, numbness in arms and face, feeling like I'm going to faint, diarria, headaches, tension headaches, stiff jaw and even being scared to leave my house.

For me dizziness was one of the first symptoms I had, even though you are not panicking, anxiety can still make you feel dizzy or like you are going to faint. Which used to cause me to panic from fear of fainting until I realised that all the times I have been dizzy or faint never once I have I fainted :) if your worried see the doctor if they say you're fine you probably are :) hope you feel better soon

06-06-15, 16:07
Thanks for your kind response! When it happens to you do you get like rushes of dizziness to your head? It's been happening more and more frequently. I was in a run this morning and kept getting extremely dizzy and off balance