View Full Version : Anyone else?

04-06-15, 21:27
Hey guys brief update on what's been happening. I'm on Day 18 of sertraline and my anxiety has definitely dropped; however I am experiencing weird feelings of depersonalisation and an increased fear of a brain tumour and there are a number of reasons why... I am getting vertigo, it tends to happen when i'm at work and is terrifying. It comes and goes and is very scary but I don't know whether or not to approach my doctor incase he thinks i'm a torture. I feel spaced out from society sometimes and it's very annoying, especially when trying to keep an incredible girlfriend happy. I think i might be slightly depressed as well. could that be from the medication? Anyone else feel like this?

04-06-15, 23:29

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

05-06-15, 08:08
Dizziness, vertigo and depersonalisation are noted as side effects (some are noted as less common though) so it can easily still be side effects as you normally assume 4-6 weeks until they go.

Mood changes are likely anyway on these SSRI's. That should go as you get used to them. Just keep an eye on any suicidal thoughts and contact your GP if you feel like you could harm yourself. There is a very very good chance this won't happen but I recall you are pretty young so its something to monitor just incase as risks of these feelings are higher in certain age groups (18-24 some say, NICE advise warning all people under 30 about SSRI's up front due to this)

I've never been on this one. Its worth asking the people on the Sert board for support though as it will get swallowed up in the HA/Symptoms boards and probably won't get much of a response.

Your increasing HA could be a combination of side effects (agitation and increased anxiety is always common with SSRI's) and how you noticing them so that you add further anxiety on top. As hard as it is, you need to view the side effect window as a time when these things are very likely to happen and are not reflective of your anxiety disorder or you will be far more worried.