View Full Version : Am i going to drop dead?!!

04-06-15, 22:53
Hi all

For a while now ive been getting this feeling like im gonna drop dead...i dont know why i have put that reason to the feeling but thats what i think when i feel it..im not sure if its even a physical symptom or just a feeling its really weird and one that i struggle with so much i cant bare it. Its really convinces me that im just gonna collapse right there and then its awful. I dunno if its the unbalance feeling i get that makes me think it or what but its really getting me down now...its like being on death row...waiting to die i cant bare it.

Can anyone else relate or am i totally crazy 😢😢😢😢

Thanks for reading xxxx

04-06-15, 23:59
I sometimes have something similar. Does it also feel like a sense of doom? Something bad is going to happen?

It's a symptom of anxiety. It doesn't mean that you actually will just drop dead. People don't just die like that.

There's probably other stuff going on which contributes to this feeling, or triggers it. Can you guess what it is?

05-06-15, 02:26
That sounds quite a lot like a symptom of anxiety. I've experienced it numerous times. Funny thing, I never did drop dead ;)

05-06-15, 09:28
Thanks for replies. Well i get the doom feeling too but this is a little different...well i think it is. The thing with anxiety is ya can never pinpoint or explain it sometimes grrr but i defo get that feelin i think something bad will happen its really hard not to believe it eh? �� i wish my fear of death would do 1 then my anxieties would be free. I have had this feeling on and off for a few years now but it never seems to get easier. I wish that someone could explain it so we understood it more then it might be better to deal with.

Thanks again