View Full Version : Tips on how to deal with anxiety/panic attacks at a job interview and at work place?

05-06-15, 13:53
Hi I've suffered from PD and agoraphobia for about 3 years now and I mostly have good days now so I plucked up the courage to apply for a job. I have been offered an interview at a local kennel as a part time kennel hand. I love animals and hope to work in an animal related field one day so this would be great experience. I am just worried about my anxiety or panics ever getting in the way.

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with both the nerves on the interview day and how to deal with stress in a work place if I do end up getting the job? My anxiety has held me back so much and I've missed a lot of opportunities like this before because of it so I don't want to mess this up or chicken out of the interview.

05-06-15, 14:04
Keep taking deep breaths. Take time to think before you answer a question. Anyone at an interview is nervous and the interviewer will make allowances for that. Good luck!

05-06-15, 14:06
Thanks! I only applied for the job yesterday so was very surprised to get an interview so soon! Hopefully that means they are keen on my application :)

06-06-15, 00:36
I used to go to the dog rescue kennels and take them for a walk. They keep your car keys and give you a dog to walk. They all looked very busy. I'd say that you really love animals, have lots of animal experience so know that it's not a fleeting interest you have and I'd say I'd love to work with the animals 24/7 if I could (because of all the work that needs doing they'll like the sound of you being eager to be there working)

How to keep your anxiety low in the interview - think of the animals. They need someone like you to look after them.

How to keep your anxiety low when working there - think of the animals. They need someone like you to look after them.

Work hard, be helpful, build up good relationships with all of the animals, like the other staff, who love animals just like you. It'll go well and you shouldn't have much to worry about.

If you get panicky I'm sure they'll understand and make allowances because you are such a good member of staff. I bet there'll be people working there who have had panic attacks too anyway.

Cool job. I've always wanted to work with animals too.

06-06-15, 11:58
Really good advice and tips there, thanks Oosh.

I've been told that the interview will be informal so there's no dress code which is a relief!