View Full Version : New worry, brain/stroke

05-06-15, 15:10
When i was in hospital 3 and a half months ago whilst tripping on drugs i had a crazy panic attack and my entire left arm went numb, i felt like i was blacking out, it's the numbness in m left arm that makes me think that maybe something happened to my brain that day? as im now foggy in memory and feel slight weakness in arms and legs from time to time as well as headaches however these are a side effect of my sertraline. Do you think i should push for an MRI to rule out anything sinister?

06-06-15, 03:29
I had a MRI after years of pushing for it and it really doesn't take away the fear much. It's a good idea if a doctor suggests it but if you just suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, those are all common panic attack symptoms. Whenever my hands, arms, feet, legs go numb I begin to freak out. There's a really good website that list almost ALL anxiety and panic attack symptoms that you can experience which has helped me but also it can give you incentive for your worries to grow into other areas whether it be other health concerns or whatever but it's best to address you panic attacks now and get out of the fear with therapy or just general distraction. Or both. But I assure you that these are completely normal panic attack symptoms and you shouldn't be concerned. I have had them for years and after a CT Scan, MRI, seizure tests, even a 3 day take home seizure test, I still think I'm going to have a seizure or stroke at times.

06-06-15, 05:28
I think you need to think about whether your meds side effects are adding to your anxiety, Colin. Your GP is going to consider that when you talk to them and they would likely want to monitor the situation as some of the things you are experiencing at the moment could go away soon.

06-06-15, 13:37
Take it from me I have just had major brain surgery and my symptoms were not like what your describing, what it sounds like is more you tripping on drugs ( what drugs legal or the other kind?) If you take non medicated drugs your going to feel strange stuff on and off, MRI is not always a bad option but to be entirely honest if your taking medsordrugs that are not medication it could be them...... about 90% of people I know who start Anti D's etc have the same side effects or none, and most of them say I get a numb arm etc etc.... Numb means you can stick a pin in it and not feel a thing.... mild feeling sensations are entirely normal for anyone on any type of drug as it is usually in the common or most common side effects.

Try and calm down and kick the anxiety inthe butt and see if you feel better.

Kitty x