View Full Version : Constantly Changing Worries - Positive Thoughts Needed

05-06-15, 19:16
I have had an awful last 6 months. Constantly worrying about one pain or another. I've been to my doctors many times and had ultrasounds and a CT Scan. I've diagnosed myself with pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, MS, ALS, and finally ovarian cancer. After my last visit to the gyno and getting cleared that my ovarian cyst is really just a cyst I've have a pretty good 6 weeks. Then I'm not sure if something triggered me but I started thinking about breast cancer again and the cyst I can feel in my breast. Then guess what? I started feeling pain, tingling, and itching on that breast. I'm trying not to call my doctor again because I don't want her to think I'm a complete loon. I'm trying to make another appointment with my therapist and keep telling myself what the radiologist told me. It's just a simple cyst and there's nothing to worry about. I'm due to have it rechecked in August but would like it moved up, even though the radiologist told me it didn't have to be rechecked my doctor wants to be cautious.

What methods do some of you use to get though these times? I can't keep running out for medical advice everytime. I get scared.

Also, I'm 32 with no family history of breast cancer.

06-06-15, 11:11
Bless you, I know just how you feel. Ovarian and breast are my two main issues and I too have a cyst I am on Citalopram and have been for about 9 years. In the past I have had CBT and sometimes use these techniques to help me. The main one is deferral: If I can postpone checking my breasts for an hour then sometimes I have even forgotten where the pain/ strange sensation was. As far as the ovary is concerned, I just tell myself that it has been checked and I have to accept what they say. That is not always easy if I have pain, due to IBS but you have had your scan fairly recently so I think you can feel safe. I know it is much easier to say than to believe but just wanted you to know I totally understand. You can be so much more logical when it is not your own body. Did you mean you have a cyst in your breast as well? Anyway, positive thoughts, as they say. It all sounds pretty positive to me.:)

06-06-15, 11:26
Im the same too iv had a lump over two years fatty cyst however iv convinced myself its changed shape and i get pain. Iv been drs said still the same

06-06-15, 13:04
I can unerstand exactly how you feel, being cautious isn't a bad thing, I myself have just had major brainn surgery to remove something that hardly anyone on this planet has ever heard of which is a AVM.
Now getting things checked is not a bad thing so don't feeli like what your doing Dr and Gynocology wise is wrong your getting checked because you feel something different..... BUT!!!!! the best thing to do is once your checked and given the all clear and such sit back and think how long your worrying has been going on... I suffer from very mild health anxiety now and that honestly is due to me finally sitting down doing my CBT ritual for the week and finally things popping into my head telling me that all these health fears Im worrying about have came to nothing........ nothing is wrong or i wouldnt be here right now.... it takes a lot of getting used to and at the age you are and the fact that there is no fmaily history of breast cancer ec is a bonus in fact it is pretty awesome. I really understand your worry but please try and take this little bit of advice and if you can sit down and think how long this health anxiety issue has being going on for and put together the jigsaw pieces and realise that it is nothing serious you might find you get another 6-8 weeks of not worrying and then another hit of anxiety about it but then you can remember to sit down and do it over again and I know it sounds ridiculous but in all honesty hunni it really works. I have done it for about a year now and it has stopped me going to the Dr's every week and calling my Dr or gynycologist etc here are ways to control it.... but at the same time going to the Dr regularly for chekc up's and obviously smear tests etc is normal and if you see a psychiatrist thats a added bonus, If you dont see a psych or a therapist maybe suggesting that to your Dr would be a added bonus.

Hang in there hunni it is a rough road to go down getting rid of health anxiety but eventually it will become less of a problem if you focus on the ways of combating it.

Hugs from Kitty
p.s I am sorry if I have typos I am post op and my typing kinda sucks right now lol xx

06-06-15, 14:44
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I'm trying very hard to think rationally. I'll make it through this. Yes, I have a small ovarian cyst and a breast cyst. I should be going back to get a recheck on the ovarian cyst, but my doctor's office hasn't called yet. I'm also due for my yearly exam in August. Never had bad results from my smear tests and I've been getting them since I was 15.

I'm at the point now that I don't know when pain is real or if it's in my head. I've pretty much stopped googling but diagnosis stories were always my downfall. You hear all these stories about getting second opinions and trusting your gut, but in my case I don't feel like I can. What's a good rule of thumb about when I shoul seek medical attention? I've tried the one week rule before.

Thanks again everyone. Your responses give me so much relief knowing there are other people like me out there.

20-06-15, 23:31
Hey everyone, I'm back. I saw my therapist who really didn't give me any new techniques to use. I was doing better and scheduled my follow up scan and Gyn yearly for August. A combination of things then triggered me again. A family member died and I attended visitation at the funeral home. He was older and lived a good long life so I didn't think it would bother me. I'm feeling stress about an upcoming vacation that will include my parents in addition to my family. My mother has developed new health issues (which may or may not be real. HA runs in the family.) and I read the thread in the women's health issues about the member that has been diagnosed with breast cancer which was also found in her nodes. Since that time it's like I can feel something different in my left armpit. That's the same side as my breast cyst. I know the odds are very low of it being something and I can't feel a lump of any size. I hate this and feel like I'm wasting my life. There are so many really sick people who are fighting for heir lives that would do anything to be as healthy as I am. I'm not sure CBT is working. I'm so frustrated.