View Full Version : Anyone else's neck go red when they're nervous?

06-06-15, 14:55
hi, i'm new here so i'm not sure if this is the right subforum to be posting in.

i just wanted to see if anyone else suffers from this and found a way to deal with it.

whenever i'm in a nervous position speaking to a group or sometimes someone new, my neck goes bright red, it's so annoying as i feel it doing it then i can't stop thinking about it so i think it gets worse. it used to come along with panic attacks sometimes, especially when in a big group. the panic attacks rarely happen nowdays but i still feel like the redness is proper obvious.

does anyone experience anything similar?

i actually find the heat affects it too, like it'll happen more often when it's hot, not as much when it's cold.

06-06-15, 21:57
This happens to me a lot. My neck, chest, sometimes arms go red.

07-06-15, 00:45
did you find any way to deal with it? i only get it on neck, at least chest and arms it's easier to cover

10-06-15, 08:50
Yes my neck and face goes bright red when I am nervous. So hot to touch as well and takes at least 30 mins for me to cool back down again and go to my original colour. If it happens when I am in the flat, I sit in front of the fan and wait for it to cool down but when it happens outside, I have no choice but to just slow down, sit and wait for it to pass.

10-06-15, 11:55
Nope, still happens. Once a doctor offered to give me a beta blocker to take before presentations or things like that, but I never did. Wish I could do something about it!