View Full Version : Does anyone feel constantly ill?

06-06-15, 22:22
First off, I'm petrified ive got skin cancer. Doc has said to watch moles.. I picked a bit at one on my leg last week but now it is red and asymmetrical. I know I've had it at least a year. My leg is itching a bit in that area. I am so so scared. I'm planning on booking a private appt to get my moles removed.

On top of all that, I feel constantly ill. Almost flu like. I have aches and pains, have zero appetite. I have got myself petrified that I've got skin cancer that has spread. I find it hard to function. I have a pain in my chest and I'm scared of lung cancer.

I'm waiting on cbt but it's 16 weeks at least. I'm on anti depressants too. I just can't handle this fear. I'm in my twenties and I'm living like a 90 year old. I feel so ill and scared. I had a ct scan last year that was normal. But in scared this is something new and fast acting.

I know this is a stupid question but I need to ask it before I go mad. Would I be able to function normally if I had skin cancer that had spread everywhere? Could my symptoms of illness be anxiety? Does anyone else get this really ill feeling after worrying about their health?

07-06-15, 12:37
No one? :(

07-06-15, 15:32
I don't know much when it comes to fears of cancer cus my fear has always been fast sudden ailments that I would die from. But I believe if cancer spread you would know and the mole you partially picked off is probably ok and not symmetrical because part of it was picked off. You could just go get it removed really quick and hopefully that will help you.
I do know about physical symptoms of anxiety and that no appetite is also a big one for me as well, same with chest pain. Our brains are so powerful I actually find it pretty amazing. I can manage to raise my body temperature when I'm anxious which would always freak me out and add "proof" that I was ill. Personally my chest pains always end up being costicondritis which is an inflammation of the cartilage connecting the rib to breastbone.

07-06-15, 16:18
Hi I know exactly how you feel ! I feel unwell most of the time & am sure its mostly anxiety related. I am constantly scanning my body & if I notice anything i.e. pain, mole,sensation etc I can instantly feel even more unwell. My appetite disappears & the nausea that I have a lot gets much worse.I really think that all the press coverage & advertising plus news stations etc & of course social media sow seeds in our minds & its scary !! Life was far easier when we didn't know so much & weren't constantly being told to watch for such & such a symptom. Yes it does save lives however it also stops many people like us living without anxiety. I also worry about family & friends excessively & news stories don't help that either. We really need to learn to live for the moment i.e. Mindfully - takes lots of practice but we need to keep trying. :)

07-06-15, 18:16
Thank you both for your replies. I'm feeling a little better but still exhausted. I am feeling a burning pain in my leg near the mole I'm worried about. I wish it would stop. My bf said I'm imagining it but I'm sure I'm not. I'm getting pains in my upper back. I wish my brain would switch off! I had to stay off work for a day because I was feeling so bad... I'm going back docs tomorrow to explain my concerns. Maybe I can increase my sertaline or something.
I agree about the media thing. It was a story about someone my age dying from skin cancer that made me worried in the first place. I haven't stopped worrying since then!

07-06-15, 19:15
Are you having any help such as CBT ? It would be good for you.

07-06-15, 21:26
Yes I'm on a waiting list but it could be up to 16 weeks! I just don't feel normal at all, I am so achey and just can't eat. I am going back to docs in the morning, it's a new doctor I'm seeing so I'm a bit scared that he'll think I'm crazy :(

silver blaze
08-06-15, 10:48
I never feel well and have felt like it for decades, am always tired even after a good nights sleep