View Full Version : need help please

06-06-15, 23:05
I'm at my wits end at the moment. My stress levels have been high surrounding heart attack fears. I get chest pains every day it never seems to stop no matter how many times I have been reassured that I'm fine. Last few days I've had sore leg so instead of it being sciatic or anything simple to me it has to b a clot and that started the fear of the chest pains again cause I keep thinking well wat if it is and its travelled to lungs and that causing chest pain today. aaaahhhh I can't keep going like this. I'm scared I want to go to hospital but I can't afford too just don't know how to stop the fearful thoughts surrounding this. Please help.xxx please anyone. I'm so scared

07-06-15, 05:40
In your message you say the chest pains only come on when you are anxious. If there was actually anything wrong with your heart that would not be the case. You do not say how old you are but have you been to see a doctor to discuss your feelings. Are you on any medication. Your symptoms do sound like anziety and stress and maybe you need to be prescribed an anti-depressant.