View Full Version : Sleep apnea ?

07-06-15, 01:52
I keep waking up with a deep breath, as though I haven't breathed for a while when sleeping and my body is waking me up to "remember" how to breathe . I Google it (I know it's the worst thing to do ) but it resulted in me questioning if if I had sleep apnea apnea. This only happens a couple of times a week, but at the moment it is keeping me awake at night as I'm scared I'll go to sleep and forget how to breathe ! .

I also have the feeling of falling as though I'm in one of them dreams where you fall. But I'm awake when I get this feeling. Sitting. Standing. Etc. I don't know if the two are linked.

Really I'm looking for quick solutions as it's not a major problem, but can be when it is persistent.

Thanks !

07-06-15, 02:16
Hey Alli

This does sound a bit like sleep apnea. I have the exact same symptoms. Its common. I would mention this to your doctor (but wouldn't be rushing to make an appointment either). There may be some practical things you can do. My doctor (actually, an ENT specialist) actually worked out that I had it before I told him... based on the shape of my face. I had to get a deviated septum in my nose corrected and my tonsils out at the same time. It did help. He also told me to be sure that I take antihistamines when needed, to prevent my nose getting blocked. Flonase is good for this. One other thing I do which really helps is to lie on my side when sleeping. I only wake up gasping for air when I lie on my back. You will be fine - don't worry about it.