View Full Version : Started on 10mg of citalopram.. Having awful side effects.. now on 25mg of atenalol

07-06-15, 09:34
Hi there.

I'm hoping someone can help me and give me some advice. I'm on day 5 of citalopram and am struggling greatly. I have increased anxiety, have started having panic attacks and am having cold sweats. I feel like I can't cope.

The worst bit is the morning anxiety. I went on these tablets about 6 years ago for depression and had no side effects. I took them in the evening and wonder if I took them in the evening again I wouldn't get such awful morning panic.

Please tell me this will go away. My partner and I are moving out of home for the first time tomorrow so I need to function. I'm stressed enough leaving my parents and dogs as it is and don't need this. My doctor gave me 2mg of diazepam which didn't help and has now given me beta blockers to control the physical symptoms.

Will taking these at night help?! I'm 24. :(

Thanks .. .

07-06-15, 18:11
Hi whats your physical symptoms?

07-06-15, 18:33
Hi there... They are:

Cold sweats, cold flashes
Extreme nausea
Sudden anxiety washing over me throughout the day
Spaced out
Tingling face, hands and legs

But it's mainly the sudden anxiety that's getting to me. I feel cold all the sudden and dread and panic washes over me and I can't control it or calm down. :(

07-06-15, 22:32
I feel sorry for you. in this moment I also feel frustrated I had balance off feeling all the time I can't go to shops or malls I feel depressive from that..I don't know why I feeling in this way it's like ground moving or boat sensation do you ever had this?

07-06-15, 23:02
Hi there. Thank you, I feel for you too. I think I do get that feeling. Almost like I can't focus on what I'm looking at and it goes sidewards and it makes me feel sick. I think it's a normal side effect of anxiety. Anxiety just sucks doesn't it . :( xxx

10-06-15, 04:28
I experienced the same thing a few weeks ago when I first started Prozac. I went to the er and the dr told me that it is normal to first feel worse before you start feeling better! I'm on week 3 and it's not as bad as it started out, good days bad days! But in the beginning I was having back to back panic attacks. Hang in there, it doesn't last forever, it may be a rough week for
You but I think it will subside!