View Full Version : Heart problems or anxiety?

07-06-15, 17:14
Okay, hello, i am Joe and im a 15 y/o boy. Ive been having worries about my health recently and in particular my heart. The symptoms ive been having is moderate chest pain which lasts for about 5-10 minutes. This normally happens once a day, usually the evening. Also, i have been having pain under my armpit and down my left arm, the worst pain comes on my left shoulder blade. Now i know these are all symptoms of a heart problem. I have visited the doctors on a few occasions - ven going to a+e once and they have all said anxiety. I have had 2 ecg's which come back normal. Ive had some palpitations but rarely and not when the ecg's were done. The doctors dont feel me visiting a cardiologist is necessary yet i still get these pains. I am relatively healthy as i am slim and exercise but dont eat the best. I have also recently been going to the gym but when i tell the doctors that they immediately think its either to do with that or its anxiety and its starting to annoy me. I just need some help, if anyone could suggest to me what it could be, or if they could share their experiences that would be great. Also, i have been getting some acid and belching a lot so acid reflux could be the reason behind my chest pain, but would this just be on my left side and on my back and arm? To clarify, the pain in my chest is different - i sometimes get a deep aching pain and sometimes get a burning pain, i dont get chest pain bad when i exercise either. Finally, could anyone tell me if an ecg rules out heart problems because when i asked the doctors, they didnt really give a definitive answer. Thanks for your help!

07-06-15, 18:04
I think the doctors you have seen are much better than us at reassuring you that it is not your heart. The tests you have had would show if there were any problems.
You mentioned that you don't have a healthy diet, maybe you could change that? Yes chest pain can be caused by digestive problems. I get terrible shoulder pain and chest pain with trapped wind.

07-06-15, 19:37
An ECG will show up any abnormalities with your heart, Annie may well have a point with regards to your diet and perhaps you are focusing too much and that in itself can give you real weird sensations.

07-06-15, 19:57
Hi You mention that this usually happens in the evening so it could be indigestion after eating. The other reason could be muscular after exercising. Please try not to worry as you have had the docs check you & they don't take possible heart symptoms lightly.