View Full Version : Blood pressure worry

07-06-15, 18:14
I have recently brought a home blood pressure machine which takes your blood pressure from your wrist, its been saying its as low as 80/50 and when i got it to say 114/72 when i stood it said it was 168/107 im really worried, why is my blood pressure going that high? are these machines accurate? its a arimedical if thats any help. thanks

07-06-15, 19:32
BP varies every few minutes.

If you are worried and I see no reason why you should be, arrange to see your GP taking your machine with you.
It doesn't matter what the reading is when in the surgery (most people have white coat syndrome,therefore your BP will be higher than say when relaxed at home) as long as it is more or less the same reading as the one your GP uses.

All BP machines error including those in doctor's surgery's so don't worry.