View Full Version : Ovarian Cysts

28-01-07, 18:30
Just out of interest, has anyone ever had, or does anyone know about Ovarian Cysts?

Do you know if it effects fertility. I would like to start trying for children soon but am worried about coming off the conteceptive pill as I more than likely will get cysts again as the last two times I have tried, I did.

When they rupture the pain is unbearable and the dizziness is terrible. I worry that if I am in the car I will crash I my eyes go all blury.

I haven't even known previously that I have had them till the rupture.

28-01-07, 18:48
My goodness, they sound horrendous! I don't know anything about them, unfortunately. Can you ask your GP, or maybe you should ask them if you can be referred to a fertility specialist? I'd have thought you would be eligible.

28-01-07, 19:22
I had an ovarian cyst for 18 months and have to have regular checks at the hospital incase it got bigger - then all of a sudden it just went!

I would discuss all your worries with your GP hun - I'm sure they will be able to reassure you :).

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-01-07, 20:31
hi cazza

i had an ovarian cyst when i fell with my first little girl and when i had my scan they sead i had to go in and have the cyst removed as it was so big the baby had no room ,as for what you are asking i think there are two types of cysts you can just get one that is on the overy or one,s that grow all over the ovarys i think it will be best to go see your gp and ask him to give you all the info .
good luck .

jodie xx

29-01-07, 22:32
Hey Cazza,
I had an ovarian cyst when I was 20 (five years ago), and it felt like pins and needles poking in my side. Then, it ruptured and was pretty painful. But it was bearable, and if I'd been driving, I think I would have been okay but have to pull over to the side. It is amazing how much better you feel, though, several days after it ruptures. My OBGYN told me that it wouldn't affect my fertility. Good luck to you!

30-01-07, 13:33

Thanks for your comments. makes me feel a bit better knowing that other people have had them rupture too. Will just have to try not to worry about it.

09-05-12, 03:59
i going for scan soon, would of loved to conceive .. hence my now 13yr old is my miricle.. anyway im 34 not had period for over 9 ..yes nine years;;; blood tests say thyroid ok, hormone ok ish, maybe pcos but was cleared 4that in 2006. arghhh just another thing on my list sadly x good luck everyone xxx

miss sparkle
09-05-12, 09:49
I was told i had polysystic overies years ago, but i now have 2 kids problem free.
My question is i have been having stomach aches recently, and wondered if ovarian cysts can cause stomach discomfort? and back ache.
I am going doctors later on today