View Full Version : 4th day in a row of constant symptoms... Please help!

07-06-15, 20:31
Hi all. I'm not really sure what sub-forum to post this in, but here goes.

I've been diagnosed with anxiety for years now. It tends to come and go and I can't really put it down to anything. The last few days have been awful though. The week at work has been up and down with anxiety levels. I came home Wednesday and could barely even eat a few mouthfuls of my dinner. Thursday I felt absolutely awful. Lightheaded, a little shaky, loose bowels, tight chest, palpitations, all the classic symptoms of anxiety/panic. Couldn't really eat a great deal Thursday either. I made my manager aware of my issues. On Friday I couldn't even face going in to work, I was just so panicked at the thought of leaving the house. The panic carried on through the morning, subsided a bit in the afternoon, rose a little again in the hours around teatime and then subsided a bit in the evening. Saturday was much the same. Woke up feeling terrible, had the ups and downs. I had a driving lesson Saturday afternoon that I had to cancel because I couldn't face it. Today again has been awful. The first few minutes after waking up were okay, but then I remembered how I'd been feeling the last few days and its been really up and down again. Though mostly up.

Basically I've been feeling lightheaded, had the tight chest feeling and probably been hyperventilating, shaky, diarrhoea, palpitations and feeling quite tired despite getting more sleep than I usually get for the last 4 days now. I'm due back in work tomorrow and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage leaving the house after how bad Thursday was. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow evening, but again I'm worried about even leaving the house to get to it...

I've tried some distraction techniques that I usually use when I get a regular panic attack but I'm not sure they're working, as I constantly remind myself what I'm trying to distract myself from and the symptoms come back again. Is there anything you guys can suggest? I just want these feelings to go away - even if it's just so I can get through tomorrow and see my doctor and get some help.

Thank you. :)

07-06-15, 20:46
Hi I know how you feel as have been exactly the same myself. I have found an audio book called Freedom from Nervous Suffering by Dr Claire Weekes quite useful. Other people on here have found her books etc good. All of your symptoms are exactly mine. The 8 - 12 breathing is good - breathe in for 8 & out for 12. Basically breathe out for longer than the in breath. Do it every so often during the day not just when feeling really bad.I also use the elastic band on wrist & flick it when I think negatively or feel panicky.

07-06-15, 21:31
Thanks for the reply. :) I wouldn't wish this on anyone but it's kinda nice to know that other people are going/have been through the same thing... It does help cement the fact that it's just anxiety and not one of the other hundreds of ailments going through my mind. I do feel a little better already.

I'll have to look into those books and give the breathing exercise a try. :)

08-06-15, 08:27
I felt better this morning, got showered and dressed feeling pretty fine... But all the symptoms came back full force as I was about to leave the house. I felt crippled again... Another day I'm not in work. I could really do without losing money. I think I'm starting to get a bit of a case of agoraphobia maybe? :unsure:

I'm getting a bit frightened now, I've never had anything this bad before. Here we go, day 5...

08-06-15, 12:13
Hi sorry you are feeling bad today. I'm sitting here feeling pretty much the same although HA brings on my symptoms. I would suggest that you try to listen to Dr Claire Weekes & also that you walk every so often today for even just a couple of minutes at a time outside your home. Do the breathing exercise that I mentioned whilst walking also. You are having panic attacks & are extremely sensitised at the moment. Don't be frightened - be kind to yourself - you are going to be ok. :)

09-06-15, 18:50
I like you am in the exact same boat. I've tried everything! Nothing seems to work.. I don't know how much more of a struggle I can take. It's effecting my everyday life :(

10-06-15, 11:37
It's hard... This is now the 7th day I've felt like this. I went to the doctors on Monday (which itself felt as though it almost killed me with panic) and there wasn't really much he could do. I'm already on the waiting list for counselling, though he gave me a little bit of advice and some websites/books to check out. I dragged myself to work yesterday only for my manager to tell me to take the rest of the week off... I still feel horrible though. My chest feels heavy when I try to go to sleep, if I wake up during the night for the bathroom I have a panic attack, I immediately fly into one as soon as I wake up... I'm just sick of it. I could probably deal with the rest of it but I'm absolutely fed up of this damn lightheaded feeling now.

It's ruining my life and I don't know what to do or where to turn.