View Full Version : The feeling of about to vomit suddenly, anxiety?

08-06-15, 01:44
This has happened to me now 3 times in the last 6 months or so, but the last 2 times have been in the past week and more intense. I'm not sure if it's anxiety/stress or what but it's worrying me. Out of the blue I'll feel my heart rate jump up (sometimes I get those heart flutters with it) and I feel a touch of nausea and then my mouth will start to water like your about to vomit but then I talk myself out of it and I calm down and go on like nothing happened. Today it happened during a heated conversation with my husband over text messaging. We were not fighting but having an intense talk that brought on stress for me and it happened. Last week it happened while I was driving and I was thinking about something that was currently stressing me out and it happened. Is this anxiety or something else? I've had anxiety for YEARS (I'm 30) and I don't recall this happening to me.

08-06-15, 02:24
Hi, I have been experiencing something similar lately. I've been getting rushes of dizziness and nausea and my heart rate will increase. I think it's just anxiety, especially if it was brought on at a time of stress.