View Full Version : Right-sided Varicoceles (cancer)

08-06-15, 03:03
Hello everyone, new member and long time lurker here.. Figured I would start with a post of my own:

I've got really bad health anxiety, I'm 22 years old and currently not on any medication and I've just came off the back of ALS worries, I had atrophy and weakness but turns out it was only Parsonage-Turner Syndrome (PTS). It's been three days since I was diagnosed with that and my mind has already gone elsewhere. I've had a bit of swelling in the veins above my right testicle for a while now and always ignored it, got pain here and there and just continues to ignore it, figured it was nothing and always kept my anxiety on other things (Heart disease, brain tumour, blood clots, etc). But this weekend I decided to look into said swelling and apparently this swelling is called Varicoceles, which mostly occurs on the left side, but in my case it's on the right.. So I read up a little more and read that when it's on the right it can be caused by a tumour pressing onto the vein, which causes it in the right side.. Now obviously after reading this I am 100% convinced I have adrenal gland cancer, abdominal cancer or kidney cancer, a cancer of some sort that is causing it and I am freaking out like crazy.. As soon as tomorrow comes I am going to book an appointment with my GP and get to the bottom of this, but until then I am convinced I have cancer and I'm going to die, I hate this so much. :(