View Full Version : Eye Floaters, flashing specs.

07-06-15, 10:48
This have been bothering me for sometime but it comes and goes, the worry about it that is. But I have really bad eye floaters sometimes and at night or whenever I close my eyes I see like specs. It's never completely pitch dark I don't think and I don't know if it's just me being hyper sensitive or overly aware but it's a concern of mine

07-06-15, 11:35
I have the same. I went to the eye doc and he said all was normal. So now I don't worry about the floaters, they are just there keeping me company :D
I don't believe they are anything to be worried about but if you are concerned just go and see the doc for peace of mind.
take care x

07-06-15, 12:59
The floaters I'm more at ease with but I just thought there was something wrong when I can to the realization that I have the specs when I close my eyes just dots and stuff. Never completely black which I don't think anybodies are but i don't know so it became something to panic about

09-06-15, 12:34
I have eye floaters and i was getting sparkles and i just went to get my eyes tested only a few weeks ago . I had the whole lot of tests done to rule out any problems, my eyes are healthy and just knowing this takes away the anxiety .