View Full Version : Help! Jumping symptom driving me up the wall!

08-06-15, 14:49
This is going to quite long so please bear with me. There is a symptom that has really been getting to me lately, and I just can't seem to get rid of it. I should start by saying that this was one of the symptoms I first experienced when I started having Anxiety, I first started having it when I was working on the conveyer belt at my job. What would happen is that I would be standing behind the conveyer belt working away when my body would suddenly jump, my heart would jump as well. It would happen about three times each minute, and it would frighten the life out of me. I was very concerned, and I was convinced that I had Epilepsy. Before I knew it Epilepsy was my new fear, and I would keep having these jumps every day.

I decided to get an MRI scan to reassure me that these jumps weren't a symptom of something life threatening, the test came back clear which helped me feel better about the situation. Even though there was nothing seriously wrong with me I was still experiencing these body jumps, and I just couldn't get rid of them. What is really odd is that throughout the first few months of this year these jumps completely disappeared, I can't think of what it was I was doing that made them go away. Sadly now they have come back, and they are worse than ever, I notice that they are at their worse when I'm trying to sleep.

What happens is that I wake up with a shock, my heart pounds, my body jumps, and I feel a sudden feeling of dread. It takes about 10 minutes for it to stop, once that happens I manage to get back to sleep, but not for long because I normally wake up two hours later going through it again. I can't even go for a jog without experiencing these body shocks, sometimes they can be so bad that I just about fall to the ground.

So if I'm going to describe this symptom as whole it would be: Body jumps, heart races, confusion, hot flashes, shaking, and tongue jumps. I have also noticed that whenever I wake up my tongue is sore.

So does any one here experience this as well? If you do, is there anything you have done that has made it go away? I am desperate to find something to get rid of this because it is really driving me insane, and it is stopping me from doing things I enjoy. Thanks! :)

10-06-15, 09:15
Yeah, I usually get the jump type of thing when I'm in beer. It's one of those symptoms tat the more. You focus on it the ore frequent they are. It's nothing serious. It's just an odd body jolt that anxiety and panic can cause. I would stop stressing over it because it hasn't killed you or made you to have a seizure after a these times so it obviously isn't a sign of anything like that.