View Full Version : Switching Off My Brain - Lung Cancer Fear

08-06-15, 15:39
Hello all,

This has taken me quite a lot of courage to post up simply because I'm not one to want help often but I'm at my wits end and I've decided the best course is to open up to people who must feel the same way as I do hopefully who can lend advice.

For the past six months, I have been regularly going too and from doctors for various tests to try and convince myself that my symptoms I have, despite how minor, are not lung cancer and are indeed health anxiety.

I will give you a little background... basically for many years I have suffered from worries and IBS/gastric issues which have never truly been resolved. Every day I wake up and at some point during the day I am guaranteed to have a feeling of sickness or bloating and acid which makes me cough. It is this cough (which I still have), which is dry and doesn't produce any sputum which lead me to go to a doctors in October of last year. Subsequently, I went for a chest Xray (which came back clear), I've had blood tests (all clear) and various health professionals tell me that if the X Ray is clear I honestly don't have anything to worry about...


I still have my cough. I have a feeling in my chest which feels like heartburn within my pectoral muscles which comes and goes depending how much I think and more so at the moment, I cannot switch my brain off from thinking that my life is doomed and that the doctors etc have simply palmed me off because I'm in the my early twenties and that they have missed something. I've had endoscopies for my stomach, gastro restraint tablets and nothing appears to settle me down.

The doctor tells me I have showed signs of social and health anxiety and that all of my symtoms (acid, coughing, chest ache, feeling of sadness and dread) are all indicative of this issue.... But I still don't understand. I'm naturally inquisitive by nature and have the dreaded 'Google' bug and I've scared myself lifeless. I coughed up a tiny streak of blood the other day in the morning with yellow sputum (had a cold last week) and for about four hours I couldn't switch my brain off (it hasn't happened since). I guess my main issue is that because I'm so frightened of this and I don't understand if, every single thing makes me more worried.

I guess I'm just here to hopefully hear from people who have experienced what I have who can give me some pointers... And also if anyone has done CBT that would be great as that's the next step for me.

I tried medication for my mind, but it made me suicidal therefore I have stopped taking anything. I just want to feel normal.

Thanks for reading,

09-06-15, 03:02
I hear you... Ok so some OTHER things to take into consideration.

Asthma..... have you ever thought about that? do you get sinus problems, post nasal drip causes coughing.... I suffer with both and It makes me cough like no tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I too have health anxiety and YOUR post is exactly the reason why I logged in today so I know how you're feeling. I have had this lingering cough that just won't go away, Its a dry cough but I can feel there is something there so it could be productive if it would only just get up. I have also had this for about 10 years and although I have had this for this long my brain still automatically goes to Cancer..... I have a lot of sinus issues as well as asthma but there is that part in my brain which whispers in my ear "what if its not". There are so many other things it is most likely to be. Acid reflux can cause you to cough, as well as a million other things which are NOT cancer.

I did CBT about 7 years ago now It was fantastic BUT you must work on yourself daily not only when you are symptomatic. When I don't have any symptoms and therefore am calm, I don't do anything about my anxiety but I should.

I hope you're feeling a little better today. Try the CBT. It really does work!

09-06-15, 23:03
Hey! Thanks for your response!

Yes I've been tested for Asthma and once again this hasn't come back with any results.

I've been to see the doctor again today and I am being sent for a CT Scan to dot the I's and cross the T's apparently. It's put my anxiety on overload. She's 99% sure I'm fine but you know how your brain focus's on the 1%!

I would greatly like to here from any others?

Shall keep updated :(

10-06-15, 06:40
Hi I haven't experienced what you are, but my dad has lung cancer and was diagnosed from an x-ray that showed a suspicious area. Most people's lung cancers are found this way and then diagnosed after other tests etc.

If a doctor suspects lung cancer then an X-ray is often the first step of the dionostic procedure also throughout my dads lung cancer he received X-rays to check on things.

Be reassured that your X-ray was clear, hopefully you and the doctors can work together to find the real cause for your symptoms. Good luck x

15-06-15, 12:16
Its me again! I'm having a really rough time with this! Still haven't received any information about my CT scan and now the muscle pain in my chest comes and goes frequently. It feels like its sitting in my muscles.

I'm just not dealing with this very well, anyone have any advice? Its beginning to effect me.

15-06-15, 12:23

Take a few deep breaths.

Read what the kind people have told you in their response.

IMO you need to see a therapist or initially a doctor to reduce your anxiety symptoms which are pretty clear from your last post.

15-06-15, 13:33
I know! I'm now on a waiting list for CBT and also for a CT scan which is making my worries worse. I'm sort of limbo on the in between! Its the worse place to be to me because I don't know either way.

I know my symptoms are probably caused by my mind but my mind also can't switch off.