View Full Version : extreem tiredess for no reason

08-06-15, 17:46
Hi guys.last couple of days iv been getting these bouts of tiredness out of the blue for no reason.iv slept 10 hrs then half way through the day out of the blue,i come over really tired and flat.i dont know why i get this and what causes it but i dont like it one bit..why is this hapning

08-06-15, 18:35
Hi Greg, sorry to hear that. Do you think you're a bit down over the olanzapine business? Also you said you had something big going on in your life, maybe its weighing heavy on your mind and its manifesting itself into a physical feeling? Just what comes to mind, I may be wrong. Are you still managing to go out each day and do stuff?

08-06-15, 19:37
Hi crystal..yes im still getting out and about each day just to meet people..i do have something very heavy going on in my life at the moment that is never far away from my thoughts..im not to worried about the olanzipine now,ill give that up in time.its just this tirednes out of the blue,when i get it i feel really flat at the same time,so its like the chicken and the egg,i dont know what comes first,is it the tiredness then it brings on depression,or do i feel depressed and get the tiredness..which ever way round ot is,its instant

09-06-15, 01:22
may not be the case for you at all but I was getting very tired eyes in the day and it made me feel tired all over and it turned out to be eye strain- I needed glasses.

I've also had tiredness out of nowhere and it led to panic attacks because I assumed I was going to pass out and die. Talk about dramatics. The fact is anxiety is horribly tiring. All those stress chemicals racing about the body even if we think we aren't anxious, the body is still on high alert. If something exhausting is dominating your thoughts it will manifest as physical tiredness. I got so anxious about tiredness that it started to be a form of panic attack for me. My body didn't like being tired and interpreted it as a danger because of my anxious mind. Anxiety also makes you hypervigilant whether you're consciously aware of it and that is mentally exhausting and can make you physically exhausted.

You could also be holding yourself tensely and tight tense muscles makes you feel tired. I didn't even connect my tiredness to anxiety until I told a non-anxious friend one day that I was always feeling tired and she said "I'm not surprised. You look like you're anxious." She then showed me how I hold my jaw. It's really interesting to hear from others that you most definitely have an anxiety issue! To non-anxious people, just the thought of living the way we do with anxiety disorders, sounds exhausting.
Anxiety IS tiring!

My psychologist suggested that tiredness is part of recovering from anxiety because the body has stopped producing huge amounts of adrenaline. Makes sense I suppose.

09-06-15, 05:19
Its probably the adjustment period because you reduced your olanzapine that night recently. I seem to recall you trying to reduce before and you having a few rough days afterwards and then it went back to normal again.

09-06-15, 09:14
Thanks for that dit and terry.funny thing is,i had that tiredness all afternoon and through most of the evening,i could have easy have gone to bed.but i didnt..well about 10pm the tiredness faded and by 11pm,i was not tired.typicle it just left me just before bedtime!!! Id love to have had it still at bedtime i would have fallen to sleep straght away..anyway i went to bed around 11pm and it took me ages to fall to sleep.and when asleep i feel it was very light sleep only.bloody hell whats going on

09-06-15, 09:18
I think you have to see if it stays for a while because if not, I would put it down to the effect of those meds rebalancing.

I've had this issue of waking later for years. I would be knackered most of the day and then feel mentally alert & physically raring to go within the last few hours of my day. This is one of the reasons for such a bad sleep pattern because I've found I don't want to go to sleep when I've actually started feeling more human again!!!

09-06-15, 09:32
Yep i will see how it goes terry,iv just remembered,over the weekend i had a sleeping pill on fri night then sun night.this may also be agravating the sleep.

09-06-15, 09:43
Are these ones you have bought yourself? Maybe they are too much?

I remember using Zopiclone and that would knock me out for a good 6 hours or so after I was due to get up. It was very unpleasant.

09-06-15, 10:29
Iv had zopiclone in the past to.but im on tamazamab 20mg.as and when.as i ssy i took one fri night and one sunday night.

09-06-15, 10:42
If that was to get through the blip the reduction of the olanzapine caused then I would imagine you are over that now and this will just wear off mate.

Aside from the sleeping meds, varying dosages down & up again are bound to through your system out of whack as it so used to having a constant incoming stream to use. Its the same with the other meds.

I reckon you will be ok soon, Greg.

09-06-15, 10:58
Yep im sure your right terry.maybe tonight or tomorow my sleep will return again..see how it goes..cheers mate..

10-06-15, 09:00
Bloody hell.still not sleeping well....took ages to fall to sleep last night and woke at 7.30am...dont know whats going on.i was sleeping till 9.30am to 10am uptill last week and falling to sleep no problems....

10-06-15, 09:23
Ah greg sorry to hear that. Our minds are complicated things aren't they? I'm sure you will get your sleep pattern back again soon. Just keep doing what you were doing before and it should right itself. I know from experience that sleeping pills just mess things up so I wouldn't personally take them ever again. You had a bit of a wobbly week last week with the olanzapine business then taking the sleeping pills so you're probably a bit unsettled with it all.

Hopefully tonight will be better!

10-06-15, 09:40
Thanks crystal i hope so.i had such a good sleeping patern uptill a few days ago.i must admit tho i am feeling more anxiety through my day and evening at the moment,which might be causing this sleep issue..hows your sleeping going at the moment.?

10-06-15, 10:06
Hi Greg, yes anxiety seems to be at the root of it all doesn't it, with me too! 2 nights ago, just when I was thinking I was doing well, I went to bed really anxious. My car was in the garage and I panicked thinking, if I don't sleep, I won't be able to do anything tomorrow. How will my son get to school if I can't walk him there etc. So consequently I didn't sleep! Yesterday was hard but I did manage to walk to school and do all the things I needed to do even on an hours sleep. So the anxiety was a waste of time. But easy to say that now!

Last night I slept well. The CBT helped. Changed my thoughts to relaxing in the present moment rather than worrying about the rest of the night.

Have you tried CBT at all?

10-06-15, 10:16
I know what you meen crystal when you take a worry to bed with you and it plays on your mind,no wonder you didnt sleep very good.glad you slept well last night and the CBT is helping..i have tried CBT a long time ago but didnt work for me which is a shame.im very disapointed at the moment,after having a number of assesments with my local mental health team,they are not offering me any help at all,no counciling no CBT..nothing.after all this time of waiting.they said i wouldnt respond to therapy while im not working..what a bloody joke..i told them i cant get back into work while im feeling the way i do.so im in a loop that im now stuck in..not sure what to do about my life now

10-06-15, 10:25
I've been in that trap too, Crystal. Its true what they say about worrying about sleep just means you will struggle with it. I can remember my nights checking the clock. The thing is, I can check the clock nowadays and just go back to sleep. I guess a reduction in overall anxiety levels plays a part there along with some retraining of thinking.

Have you tried Mindfulness? That teaches you how to be in the present by teaching you have to disengage from DOING mode to be in BEING mode more often. It has been used in sleep treatments in studies. You could always try the MBCT version which is a meld of Mindfulness and CBT. Your therapist should approve if that, mine actually started me off on it!

Seems like a massive copout, Greg. How can they say you won't respond unless you are working? So, does that mean they can't help anyone unemployed with mental health issues? I'm glad to say they don't have that attitude in my city. Maybe talk to your GP about this as there is little point him/her referring you to a service that isn't going to help and just looks at your meds...which your GP can do on their own anyway!

10-06-15, 10:35
Yep exactly terry.copout..all them appt i had to decide what treetment i need.i saw three different people and in the end they decided cbt was in order with some counciling..then yesterday they told me im not going to recieve any suport etc.so now iv been discharged..they are aware of my self harm and sueside thoughts and attempt and lifestyle problems etc,and this is how they suport me....gutted

10-06-15, 10:45
I think you should go back to your GP about this since its now back in his/her court. I don't think they will be very happy about that. You would have had more support through the IAPT route and this bunch are supposed to be the service above them!

And they wonder why the NHS is being drained by mental health issues...because they can't be arsed to help people!

10-06-15, 11:10
I will make doc appt terry and tell them whats going on..i feel let down to be honest.all that trouble and weeks on and off for assesments,only to be discharged back into the comunity again..see what my doc says about it

---------- Post added at 11:10 ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 ----------

Infact when i think about it all.the mental health have discharged me without ANY support or medication change to help me..all they said was to come off olanzipine,but said they will not be putting me on anything eles..i must be invisable to them all..or they are not taking me serious at all..

10-06-15, 11:15
You say that you have something big going on at the moment that in itself can cause you tiredness. I say that as I have been going through a very tough four months since my Mum had a massive stroke and most recently severe double pneumonia and the tiredness and general bluurr I have felt for months now is extreme at times due to the stress, worry and emotions of the situation and daily trips to the hospital every day still x

10-06-15, 11:23
Sorry to hear about your mum,hope she is on the mend and makes a speedy recovery,that must have caused you tons of stress..i can relate to that and how it would cause you so much stress..yes i do have something hanging over me and have had it for a very long time now.its causing me a lot of stress yes..but latley nothing has changed other than im so dam tired day and night.its not so much the tirednes that bothers me,its the depression and DP AND DR i cant handle all the time

10-06-15, 11:32
I have been a complete mess myself the past few months as my Mums my everything and she probably wont recover as such as its effected her so badly in multiple ways. She cannot talk although we can get a no and lip action but she cant swallow properly so has been NIL by mouth since she had the stroke and is not mobile. The past couple few weeks were extremely critical and we warned for the worst outcome it was that bad but she has pulled through. The stress etc of it all and the general situation has hit me hard.
Have you got anyone to talk to about what's hanging over you at the moment as it does help to talk and let it. I have had several meltdowns in fact one day it got to much I ran out of the hospital in a tears no idea what people must have thought of it but on my tail was the registar she actually chased me all the way out to the car park and hugged me and actually gave me some good news. I feel like I made a total tit of myself but seeing my Mum fighting for her life hooked up to things and drips and a big oxygen mask on her face as well struggling to breathe distressed me.
I don't have many people to talk to infact usually sit here an cry on my own as I tend to keep myself to myself nowadays but if you have anyone to off load whats weighing on your mind it might help. I have had many sleepless nights and don't sleep well in general. Sorry for waffle x

10-06-15, 11:43
Really sorry to hear all that,jesus,no wonder you are strugling with things.i couldnt imagin seeing my mum in those conditions.that must be really hard for you..that was good thing the lady ran after you to suport you..i think id be the same if that was my mum or dad..so sad..i dont have anyone to talk to about my isue,my parents dont want to hear about it or my mental health,im alone with it and live by myself,and have far to much time on my hands to think about it all,so its heavy on my mind

10-06-15, 12:17
Its tough one of the hardest things ever as she's my world my everything and I go into protection mode. Our Mums are the most precious things to us mine certainly is and it breaks my heart every day and I get very anxious going to the hospital not just the situation but hospitals in general freak me out and seen things I don't want to see as well. Its very hard as I haven't had a conversation with my Mum in four months or been able to pick you the phone. She understands us and is very alert and does lots of little things not so much at the moment as she's been so poorly recently but hopefully she's coming home this week or next. I am giving up my job to look after her as the carers that will come into my Mum and Dads house each day are not peg trained or medication trained as everything has to go via the tube in her tummy. I have been peg trained and stuff so I will do that and pray that she at least at the moment gets her swallow back to take the aspiration risk away.
I feel lost and lonely so I know how you feel and I have decided that most people don't care nowadays gone 360 on that circle now I'm not so trusting on people and have stepped right back. I figure if people are bothered they will contact me and you know what you find out an awful lot and people which is sad really.
I have been super anxious and in a way still am cause of the situation and knowing that things wont be the same again how do you deal with it. My brother this morning is currently in the hospital but a different one to my Mum having had an operation on his head for skin cancer this morning, he will be home later but he bleed a lot and had more stiches and his head is all bandaged up and I need my brother so I'm upset and worried about him now as well x

10-06-15, 12:25
So much going on for you..sounds like your mum is making some progress tho,small steps at a time.your brother being in hospital is bad timing to..well when your mum comes home at least you wont have anymore hospital visits,and sounds like she will be in your good hands to,esp as you are peg trained so you can suport her..your mum will be more happy and comftable at home and out of hospital so that should make things easer for you both....there a many people in NMP that care,i know most externel people dont which dsnt help..we all need suport when we are down and not well.x

10-06-15, 12:26
I've been in that trap too, Crystal. Its true what they say about worrying about sleep just means you will struggle with it. I can remember my nights checking the clock. The thing is, I can check the clock nowadays and just go back to sleep. I guess a reduction in overall anxiety levels plays a part there along with some retraining of thinking.

Have you tried Mindfulness? That teaches you how to be in the present by teaching you have to disengage from DOING mode to be in BEING mode more often. It has been used in sleep treatments in studies. You could always try the MBCT version which is a meld of Mindfulness and CBT. Your therapist should approve if that, mine actually started me off on it!

Seems like a massive copout, Greg. How can they say you won't respond unless you are working? So, does that mean they can't help anyone unemployed with mental health issues? I'm glad to say they don't have that attitude in my city. Maybe talk to your GP about this as there is little point him/her referring you to a service that isn't going to help and just looks at your meds...which your GP can do on their own anyway!

Hi Terry yes I have just subscribed to Headspace after doing their 10 day trial. I do think it works and I've also just discovered the Three Principles which I'm also trying to get my head around at the moment, along the same lines of changing our thoughts which is something that keeps coming up for me lately.

Greg I really don't understand where those people are coming from, if you could go out to work things might not be as bad as they are now so they should be helping you all the more!

10-06-15, 12:30
I know right..no bloody suport.sent back out into the comunity with my mental health and other problems..im on my own again..ha ho,thats life,didnt want to enjoy my life anyway.

10-06-15, 12:40
Pinky pants wow what a lot you have going on. So sorry about your mum and hope your brother is ok too. You are a obviously a lot stronger than you think, you are coping brilliantly by the sound of it and anxiety and sleeplessness are just side effects of the excellent job you are doing in helping your family. You are only human though so please make sure you have a little time for you! I find the odd little treat doesn't go amiss because we have to keep telling ourselves we are important too. :) Even if it's just a chocolate fudge cake from the supermarket... :) I really wish your family well. Xx

---------- Post added at 12:40 ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 ----------

I know right..no bloody suport.sent back out into the comunity with my mental health and other problems..im on my own again..ha ho,thats life,didnt want to enjoy my life anyway.

Ah greg you're coping though, getting through each day! Same advice as I gave to pinky pants I give to you - go and have a little treat, spoil yourself a bit. In fact, I'm going to do the same... Who's with me? :)

10-06-15, 12:42
Funny you say about chocolate fudge cake as I was in Tesco the other day on way home from seeing Mum saw this chocolate fudge cake and it just said buy me so I did. My Dad has serious health issues as well. I feel anxious a bit about my brother today he's just rang me to say they have let him go home, my Dad was with him and now he wants to go see Mum bless him. Booked myself in for a hair cut an manicure on Saturday morning.
I have had a rotten couple of years with one thing an another and just need some luck or something nice to happen for once x

10-06-15, 12:47
I had a treat last night actualy.i had a whole tub of choc icecream all to myself..loved it..

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 ----------

Thats good your brother is coming home,hope he is ok.be nice for him to see your mum to..

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Thats what the ice cream was last night i had.choc fudge ..very nice to

10-06-15, 12:49
Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie yummy although I have no appetite since Mums been poorly lost a stone in weight as well and didn't need to but when I'm upset or stressed or anything I cant eat I just feel sick but have eaten a tonne of tic tacs. I like mints seems to be my stress thing but not good so I dread the dentist in a couple of weeks x

10-06-15, 13:05
Ben and jerrys,thats it £5 for a tub..i have the dentist next tue ,got a couple of woberly teath,hope they can save them.otherwise its false teath for me

10-06-15, 13:18
Ok so maybe just that sort of treat once in a while...:)

Pinky pants it will be nice to get your hair and nails done, I often think I can't be bothered but am always glad when I do!

I've just ordered some new bedding online, want my bedroom to be a lovely comfortable place that I can totally relax (and hopefully sleep!) in. That's my treat for the week. :)

Good luck at the dentist next week Greg! (Ps don't eat ice cream too late or you won't sleep!)

10-06-15, 13:27
I like Ben & Jerry's I don't eat it all the time though and often buy it on offer always watching my pennies to many bills to pay. I brought myself some new bed linen a few weeks back something nice, light and fresh for the summer and also got a new pillow hoping it would help. I hate the dentist never like it and up until a couple of years ago was a bit of a dentist virgin having not really had stuff done then boom a couple of white fillings. Now I go every six months plus the hygienist but judging by the amount of tic tacs I have consumed I am kind of a bit worried I might need a filling. I do flush though as well x

10-06-15, 13:43
Good for you pinky pants I'm sure you'll be fine from the tictacs, regular check ups always good though. Stop worrying. You have enough real stuff going without adding worries about things which might not happen. :) New bedding sounds lovely, it's little things that can give us so much pleasure and it is important to keep on with that, doesn't have to be expensive things either, just anything that makes you feel nice. :) ::flowers:

10-06-15, 15:01
Ever since I have had anxiety/panics, I get this too! I could have been panicking at some point during the day and got over it and go back to doing what I was doing beforehand and an hour or a few later, this extreme wave of tiredness hits me out of nowhere. It really comes on so quickly and takes a while to pass. I rarely go to sleep from it though, I always feel too restless when I try and sleep when I have that. Going for a bath or going on my exercise bike usually wakes me up from it.

10-06-15, 18:03
Thats how it is for me gingerfish.but for some reason it hasnt gone,the tirednes.iv had it since sunday.as i type this im so tired but unable to have a nap.i dont know whats going on, i havnt had this before.its making my depression worse not feeling refreshed..and the time in the days are going so slow,where as before this,my days and hrs went pritty quick..dont like this at all

10-06-15, 19:58
Maybe it's a virus as that could make you feel very tired. I have felt more tired past couple of days and feel shattered now mixed with my blood pressure high past few months which is worrying me x

10-06-15, 20:12
I dont feel unwell in the way of a cold or virus etc.just more anxious and depressed.i put this down to not sleeping,it will have this efect on ones mind.im tempted to have a sleeping pill tonight..you should go to your doctors and get checked out

10-06-15, 21:06
Sometimes a virus can just make you tired depends on the virus. I have an appointment next week at the doctors my blood pressure was off the scale last time naturally it's still high though x

10-06-15, 21:43
Well good luck.hope your blood pressure sorts its self out...my tiredness has eased over the last couple of hrs,this hapend last night.dsnt make sence..