View Full Version : Anyone get this weird anxiety symptom at night? Please respond ;)

08-06-15, 20:54
So I have tinnitus and I have been quite anxiety free lately.
But, last night I woke up to the awful ringing in my ears, almost like someone were playing cymbals right by my head and an awful dipping sensation like my body was sinking!!
It was so disconcerting. I also woke up to a really loud bang as well.
But it's the weird ringing head with the dipping feeling in my body that concerns me.
I have had it before where my body vibrates then I feel as though I'm dropping but I normally just fall asleep.

Anyone else???

08-06-15, 22:23
Hi there
I do sometimes have tinnitus and the strange body falling thing and hundreds of other strange things. I can't say I've ever had the loud bang thing.
Have you had these kind of symptoms with anxiety in the past?

08-06-15, 23:25
Hi.iv had tinitus for years now.at first i found it hard to deal with but over time i have learned to live with it.i have it in both ears all day and night...when im in bed its really loud in both ears high pitch ringing.but to be honest im so used to it i dont care about it,and if it actualy stoped it would be weired not having it and would be hard to get used to it...i dont think i would like the silence...funny how you can adapt and get used to something like this

09-06-15, 00:11
its new to me - the head bangs are not .. I've had them for years.
But the loud cymbal type of noise was new.
I've just had a colonsocopy done as I was worried abotu colon cancer, I don't think my Dr will actually do anything about this other than give me antidepressants.

I guess it probably felt similar to what people experience when they come off drugs?

09-06-15, 05:44
It sounds like one of the Hypnogogia features for hearing such as Exploding Head Syndrome which usually occurs when falling asleep but can occur within a couple of hours of falling asleep too.

Its possible to hear all sorts of things or experience strange sensations when falling to sleep as documented as hypogogia and its very very common to people and its not an anxiety thing, it happens across the board. We are most likely to notice it and worry though which will add to it.

15-03-17, 06:58
i didn't know other people got that falling sensation too, it's quite odd isn't it? i get it a lot when i'm anxious, but sometimes it will happen for no reason too. sometimes it just happens once, sometimes it happens over and over (and OVER and OVER) every time i begin to doze off. i've had it happen on occasion, to such a severe degree, that i would go a full day or two with no sleep. it's scary but it's just anxiety. as soon as you stop worrying about it, it'll disappear.

and about the ringing in your ears, that's normal. i think everyone has it. and the loud crash? i've heard that's a thing some people experience, a loud band or crash when they wake up. i forget what it's called, but it's harmless. do some research if you're curious :) best of luck xo