View Full Version : I really need some advice

09-06-15, 15:34
I started having very bad anxiety about 3 years ago. Was put on meds but after 2 years my doctor and I felt that I was doing perfectly fine so I weaned off the meds with no side effects or anything unpleasant and have been doing fine for over a year. For the past few days though I have been having severe anxiety to the point that I feel like I'm going to pass out but I have just been working through it. I do not want to go back on meds but I am in a constant state of panic and it terrifies me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Why is this happening now after u have been doing so well? The worst part is that I have all these new symptoms like heart pains which I never had before. My dad died 6 months ago from a heart condition and it has been playing on my mind so much lately because I miss him so much. I spend almost every day crying missing him.

09-06-15, 16:29

I don't know your exact situation but initially I would let the grief come out at the loss of your dear father.Medication,short term might help, but it will only mask an anxiety you have,

Discuss it with your doctor at first but that is how I would deal with your situation.

09-06-15, 19:26
Thank you

09-06-15, 19:40
I agree with Ricardo. I think it is more than normal that you are having a setback. What you are feeling is normal, you are grieving, allow yourself to cry as much as you need.
So sorry for your loss, sending you :hugs:

09-06-15, 20:09
Lee, it is perfectly normal to experience physical pain when you are experiencing intense grief. Have you thought of contacting Cruse bereavement counselling services?

I also lost my Dad suddenly a few months ago. The pain of grief is all-consuming and overwhelming so allow yourself to express your emotions in whatever way helps you. There's no set "pattern" to this.

My sincerest condolences to you. Take care.