View Full Version : fear of world ending

09-06-15, 17:05

ok I hope this is the right place to post this, sorry if it's not!! :flowers:

I'm not doing too good at the moment. Over the years there have been multiple doomsday predictions, none of which came to fruition (obviously). But ever since the 2012 predictions, I've found it a real problem. most people seem to be able to brush it off as nonsense and never think about it again. but it absolutely terrifies me!!!

the reason this has come up now, is because I was scrolling through twitter and someone linked an article about how there are predictions that the world is going to end in september; an asteroid will hit us and wipe out most, if not all of mankind. and the governments know about it but they're not saying anything about it so as not to cause widespread panic.

I've told people about it and they've said not to be so silly, that it's a load of BS, etc etc. it's reassuring to hear that other people think it's stupid. but I can't shake it off... I'm really panicking about it to the point of contemplating suicide, because I would rather kill myself than die a (probably) quite horrific death in a couple of months. :scared15: I know I'm being irrational but my brain is like "what if", "they're right the government wouldn't tell you if it was going to happen so there's no point trusting nasa" (nasa did a press release thing saying it wasn't going to happen), "how do you know it's not going to happen" etc etc. basically because there is no hard fact that it isn't going to happen, I'm panicking about it.

I don't know how to shake this off and move forward. I'm constantly on edge, constantly thinking about it; sometimes I manage to distract myself but then it pops back into my head...

Hearing some nice rational thoughts would be fab. Also if anyone has any thoughts on how to help myself, that would be wonderful :yesyes:

I am on a low dose of quetiapine so I can take some extra as a PRN, I also have diazepam which usually helps me loads but I can't take it anymore because of the new driving law. I'm seeing my therapist on Thursday so will mention it then but it seems so far away.

I'm really scared :unsure:

09-06-15, 22:08
This is my kind of problem too - most of my worries are about things which are outside of my control, including existential anxiety and fear of death. I find it very difficult to deal with, because at least with more practical, day-to-day worries, you can try to use problem-solving techniques to deal with them.

I remember back in 1999 I freaked out because Nostradamus had predicted the world would end on a certain day during that year. I was 15 and still at high school and I remember I felt scared on that particular day, even though logically I believed the prophecy was rubbish, it was still in the back of my mind, so I was relieved when the day had ended and we were all still alive! The prophecy said something really silly like "a giant scary king will come down from the sky!" I remember on that day several of the other kids at school were talking about it, and that only made me feel more scared. Ever since that day ended without any bad events, I haven't worried quite so much about any other "end of the world" predictions.

I'm not sure if this helps at all, but I didn't want to pass by your thread when it had no other replies! I think this is a more common worry than many people would assume, it's just that people don't tend to talk about it very much.

10-06-15, 00:14
We have enough missiles to destroy an in coming asteroid and that would be a good use for them.

Any asteroid getting close to us would be sucked into the sun.

10-06-15, 01:10
I've done a bit of that world ending anxiety every time something was "predicted". Now my thinking is different.

Now my feelings are, 'you can't control it so don't worry about it.'

I had to make myself think this way or I never would get on a plane or a train. If something is going to happen that I can't control then it is going to happen and I have to deal with the after effect. If I'm on a plane I can't control whether my flight is going to be turbulent, disastrous or smooth. So, that's how I think about huge events.

If an asteroid hits us in September and I die, I couldn't control that. If it does and I live then I'll have to live, however I can.

Thought I would prefer to nuke the fecker out the atmosphere.

blue moon
10-06-15, 03:30
It is what it is,we are all going to meet our maker some day,so try and live your life as if it was your last