View Full Version : Feeling sick all the time and very tired

09-06-15, 17:08
I there since I came back off my hols beginning of May ive not felt myself with one thing and another and had a few trips to the docs. Feel like the dreaded health anxiety could be back ive suffered with this for over 10 years but thought I was doing ok since having my first baby who is 1 next week

I've been suffering with pains in my left side which seem to have gone for the minute and been burping and had diarerr quite a bit my doc have me omoperazole which I've been taking for about two weeks but can't seem to say there working

I'm now waking up feeling sick every morning and have no energy 😪 is this health anixety or something more


09-06-15, 17:19
Hi this sounds how I feel most days & then I worry about how I'm feeling & what it could be which makes me feel even more sick etc. The tiredness is quite overwhelming & I just want to sit down all the time (or stay in bed) watching telly. Of course the less we do the less we want to do.I then make myself do something& feel really weak - this I'm sure is lack of exercise + depression/anxiety. Could you by any chance be pregnant again ? :)

09-06-15, 17:56
Thanks for the reply I'm sick of telling my partner how tired and sick I feel he must be completely fed up with me, it's nice to talk to someone who has the same feelings

I don't think I'm pregnant again, I'm trying to do stuff but I'm up half the night with my little one

Thanks again


09-06-15, 19:24
I posted about this a few days ago- I constantly feel unwell and never myself. The more I worry, the more I feel bad. All I can say is getting out and about now and again really pulls you back to reality and stops you from worrying as much. It's good you're recognising the signs of health anxiety and hopefully you can get a hold of it before it gets too bad. Hope you start to feel better soon :)