View Full Version : Venlafaxine - a positive story

Poppy Girl
10-06-15, 00:14
Hello fellow Ven takers (and anyone reading this who is considering starting).
Just thought I'd share a velafaxine success story! So much of the information available online about the different types of medication focuses on the downsides and "awful side effects" of taking them so I thought I'd redress the balance by posting a positive story.
As someone who always considered herself to be a "strong" person, anxiety came on suddenly out of nowhere after a routine op and I went to pieces. To cut a very long story short, I tried 4 different SSRIs over a 9 month period which either made no difference to the way I felt at best and at worst made me feel almost suicidal.
Then my doctor retired and my new doctor prescribed me Venlafaxine. By this time I knew the name and side effects of pretty much every anxiety medication going and I was quite frankly petrified of taking the Ven - so many horror stories about side effects, withdrawal etc and on one site I saw it described as "the dreaded Venlafaxine".
Anyhow, after one of my very worst days I decided to bite the bullet as it were and give Ven a go. So glad I did! Venlafaxine has helped give me my life back! :yahoo:
I think I was lucky as my doctor gave me modified release tablets rather than the standard release ones so my side effects at start up were not bad at all - a lot of yawning for the first 4 weeks, increased sweating (still have that!), a little nausea and I've gained some weight but nothing as bad as the anxiety I was suffering and nowhere near as bad as what I'd read online.
Within 2 weeks anxiety was massively reduced and by 6 weeks, all but gone. I have had some setbacks along the way and have had to increase my dosage but 11 months on, I've just reduced back down again. I may have more setbacks yet to come but I won't be scared to take a higher dose again if I need to.
I wouldn't say that the Ven has cured me on its own (I have also had CBT and counselling) but it has calmed my mind, stopped me over thinking things and worrying and got me to a place where I can think rationally again. It has helped me accept that the anxiety was there but that I could still carry on my life and as I've done this and started to really LIVE again rather than just exist, so the anxiety has diminished. In fact I've recently been promoted at work. Not bad for someone who considered herself to be "weak and worthless" for most of last year.
Of course, what I have learned is that anxiety is not a sign of weakness but rather of trying to be strong for too long and much as I hated it, anxiety has taught me some life lessons.
Venlafaxine has also taught me a lesson - don't always believe the hype, especially when it's negative. People are very quick to report bad experiences (be that with medication or any other services in life) but you don't often read poitive feedback.
I'm still on Ven for now and will come off it at some point but I'm in no desperate rush. I realise that this medication may not suit everyone but if just one person reads this thread and feels reassured enough to start their Ven journey to recovery then that would make me very happy.
This time last yearI thought anxiety was with me for the long haul but thanks to Ven, the light at the end of that tunnel is getting brighter by the day.:shades: :D

10-06-15, 14:48

Thanks for posting this I'm due to start Ven and your post has really given me some hope.

Why is it when you look online you find hundreds of bad stories about medication in comparison to the odd one or two positive posts.

Will keep the board posted on how I get on with it, at the minute just giving my body a break for a few days as I switched from Escitalopram to Mirt straight away and want to make sure everything is out of my system before I start, otherwise you can never be sure if any side effects are from starting meds or the old ones leaving your system.

Thanks again and hoping your recovery continues and everyday gets brighter :)

10-06-15, 18:48
Thank you for sharing your positive story. I'm hopefully on the same road to recovery and this gives me some hope :)

Best wishes

nikki- yvonne
11-07-15, 12:17
Can anyone help me please . I have been on Venlafaxine for nearly 3 weeks - i thought at the beginning of the week i was feeling better by the end of this week i feel this dreadful - i am getting a shivery head ,feeling agitated, aching ,and just generally feeling terrible is this the normal side effects if so how long do they take to subside .

14-07-15, 19:50
I dont know about side effects but the one Im most suffering from is sweating profusely at times it seems.

Im glad to hear a positive story as my dose has been upped and im waiting for the improvements to happen myself so I hope that I will get to that recovered point.
Good to read some positive stuff as Pharmalogically im at the hands of the GP/Doctor whilst awaiting a Mental Health face2face this Thursday

27-07-15, 18:59
Thank you so much for posting this. I am about to take my very first dose of modified release ven. I have had the standard ones in the past and they gave me truly debilitating nausea! So I was terrified. But hearing that the modified release ones have been good I'm not so worried.

Thank you

31-07-15, 17:06
thankyou poppy for your very positive post. I am on Ven.. Started on 37.5mg then up to 75mg then another 37.5 then on may 14th 2015
it was upped to 150mg. At the moment my anxiety is extremely high
(probably due to vision problems) think I might ask doc about upping it again slightly. But am a bit unsure about this. still thinking shall I or not.
Anyway thanks for your input. hopey

14-07-18, 13:55
Hi all, just wanted to share my venlafaxine story so far. I was on a low dose of ciprimil, 10mg, for a year but found it affected my period with a lot of break through bleeding. I saw many different doctors and they all said this wasn't caused by the ciprimil but it was, it stopped when I went off it and the nhs website says it is a possibility so trust your own instincts if this is happening to you. I was off ciprimil for a few months and doing fine until I started having constant panic attacks caused by another medical issue. My anxiety is very closely linked to my physical health and this just kicked it off again. I was prescribed 37.5mg, meant to go up to 75mg but I'm seeing how I go on the low dose first. I experience what others have for the first two weeks. The worst side effects I had was nausea, I found that if I took the med about an hour after breakfast with another snack it was ok - first thing in the morn on an empty stomach was a terrible idea, and dilated pupils which worried me a lot but it got better after the 2 weeks. It's been about a month now and I'm still having good days and bad days. Some days I'm able to forget about the anxiety and some days it's still constant. I am able to function in my daily life again. I'm still having a lot of nausea, sometimes with stomach cramps and general gut issues but I'm not sure if this is caused by the venlafaxine or not, could be probiotics that I'm trying or anxiety itself. Can anyone relate?

16-07-18, 18:12
Hello Poppy Girl,

Congrats on your promotion!:yesyes:

I think I was supposed to see your post. I have been off Effexor for a month after reading tons of horror stories. Withdrawal has not been a picnic, and I now have horrible insomnia. Having said that, my family thinks discontinuing E was a mistake. Now that I have seen your post, I am going to check out more success stories! I do not get depressed, but I have massive anxiety and it truly was diminished while on E.

I am glad it is working for you!
