View Full Version : CFS leak and not being able to breathe

10-06-15, 00:17
I have a cough, lost my voice and hurt my foot so I can't really walk on it.
Anxiety I guess is fairly high but have been having a few problems that I cant ignore atm and I'm scared.
I keep feeling like I cant breathe and its scary. Normally its when I drift off to sleep where it just feels like my chest is empty and everything has just stopped.
Apart from today its also been happening during the day and I'm just worried.
I know I have a cold but i looked down a moment ago and really watery fluid came out my left nostril. It wasn't a lot but now I'm worried about cfs fluid and meningitis and i don't know what to do.
Please help.
Thank you

11-06-15, 09:18
Ok I thought I was bad .... but CFS leak really?
How would that happen and why through you noise and if that were the case then you'd be pretty sick.
I can't breathe when I get anxiety - I need to yawn all the tim and I can't get a deep breath and it freaks me out.
It's not really a symptom of meningitis though.

The watery fluid is snot .... look up runny nose ... it's snot - you don't have meningitis.

Trust me.
Once I thought I had a brain amoeba .... highly unlikely - I didn't - actually impossible... and your anxiety is all that is affecting you.