View Full Version : please help

28-01-07, 22:50
hi i have had pa for about 4yrs and i was taking cipralex 10mg but about 5mths ago i came off them as i was doing ok then just before xmas i had a major pa and since i have been on edge i am finding it hard just to go the local shops or to take my little girl school which is just 5mins away from my house as i keep on feeling dizzy all the time and im scared that i will faint anyway tonight i decided to go back on my tablets again but i have just read the leaflet inside and it says you might feel more anxious for about 1-2wks before they kick in and now i am scared cause i dont want to feel more anxious to what i am feeling now please help

28-01-07, 23:09
if you feel anxious about feeling anxious, then you will definately get anxious, have you been told any teqniques to help you when you do feel like this, i really do think the breathing exercises can work and yoga i would really recommend!


28-01-07, 23:15
Hi Deb

I have been where you are reading instructions and dwelling on the side affects. It wasnt until i took anti depressants that the side affects became so important. Before then i took paracetamol but never dreamt of questioning it. But suddenly i had these tablets and by every means in my mind was i going to suffer the detailed side affects. I didnt but you become so sensitive with anxiety that you cant help yourself.

I was like you if they make me feel worse at first why would i do that to myself and gave in loads of times but with the help of a great doctor i perservered and it worked for me. Hope it does for you babe.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

28-01-07, 23:19
hi debbie,

ive only recently started on Anti-Ds, i did get a bit more anxiety but i coped by doing my relaxation tape about 3 times a day,sometimes more if i needed to, i know its awfull and i do really feel for you pm me anytime.

take care
denise :D:D

Ma Larkin
29-01-07, 13:11
Hi Deb, before you start taking the tablets again I'd get yourself checked out by your GP. He may recommend something else for you. I used to always fear that I would faint but I never have done.

Some meds do make you feel a bit more anxious that normal, but its well worth trying them. I was on Prozac and they got rid of my PA's completely.


31-01-07, 02:42
Hi deb
Cipralex have been a real saviour to me.I won't be giving them up in a hurry.

Don't believe everything you think.