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View Full Version : citalopram and reduceing!!!

Two heads
28-01-07, 23:16
Hi all!
I have been dropping my meds for i think is three months now.Im down to 10mg and have been for a week,So far so good.
Im just interested to hear from anyone that is slowly reduceing there meds with citalopram.This week i have felt a little anxious but i no this is normal when reduceing meds!
I have nearly been taking them ayear,didnt think i would have been on them for this long but there you go.xx

04-02-07, 22:32
Hi T.H!

I'm really interested to know how it's going with your reduction... i have been on citalopram for 4 months now, i know that's not very long but i just want to come off... i went to the docs to ask his advice as i wasn't convinced they were working for me and sometimes i felt worse. He told me to double the dosage but i don't want to.

I've decided that exercise and lots of vitamin b is the answer so i went for a run today!

My dilemma is though... should i wait to exercise and start on the vit b until i come off the pills in order to feel the benefit???

One amazing thing is my morning anxiety has gone... so perhaps they do work afterall...? Aaarghhh!!

How long have you been on the 'taloprams?

Two heads
08-02-07, 18:24
Hi eill!
Thanks for replying to my post.
I must admit they did take a very long time to work for me.I started on 10mg and after three months upped them to 15mg then after afew more months i upped them to 20mg!
But i think i can say they have finally worked for me.I do get the odd day where my breathing goes to pot and i feel a little anxious but nothing like last year.
Maybe you should give them a little longer at least six months and then see how you are then.
Touchwood im down to10mg and i have noticed no differents yet.I have been reading that some people seem to find theres a problem when they drop down to 5mg.In afew weeks i will drop to 5mg,and ten every other day.
I go to yoga once aweek which i find great and plan to increase my exercise when i have come off meds to get rid of that extra addrenaline!
I also plan to take st johns.

Let me known what you decide and how you get on!