View Full Version : Struggling with paranoia and negative thoughts

10-06-15, 13:46
I'm finding it really tough to keep it together today and I thought posting something up might help. My mind has been throwing out lots of negatives thoughts these last couple of days...it feels like the medication has worn off. I broke down in a meeting at work yesterday with my boss and the company director and again today with my boss but nothing bad has happened at work to make me like this. I just feel acutely sensitive, it's almost painful sometimes. I feel like everything is a threat or an insult or that I'm being manipulated.

The anxiety has started up in the morning again :/ I feel like nobody can understand me. I want to hide away on my own so I don't have to struggle with commhnicating with anyone or having to defend myself because I feel people are being unfair (I tried to escape to the park to have lunch alone but there are dogs not on leads here and one ate half my lunch and the owner informed me that if I ever have anything with garlic in it it can poison dogs...strange and rather comical situation but I didn't need it right now). I'm only half way through the day at work and don't know how I'll concentrate when I get back. All I keep thinking is that I'm a pathetic, childish person who acts like a 5 year old and everyone can see this and they're judging me for it.


10-06-15, 14:21
"I feel like everything is a threat or an insult or that I'm being manipulated. "

I and many people understand how you feel. It's not ideal but it's normal and it's common so if that's how you feel today, allow yourself to feel that way. It's a human condition and the people at work will feel that way too sometimes and hide it.

Instead of looking in at what you are or are not, look out at others and at what's imperfect or human about them.

You can still be a great and quality person whilst feeling these things.

Remind yourself of what's good about you. What are your qualities as a person and a friend. The people who have liked and valued you, what did they like and value ?